Monday, May 20, 2024

Shadow Selfie

I don't often get out in the morning, but I do on Sundays when we're leaving for church.  Last week it was beautiful and warm, so I took a moment to get some pictures.

Here's my shadow selfie.  Like that handsome old hat?

I turned around and the leaves on our little Tulip tree were lit brightly by the sun.

In front of the garage were a large swath of plants grown by our resident horticulturalist, Mrs. F.G.  Many of these have since been given away.

And in the opposite direction, the rich red blooms of our Fernleaf Peony, all facing the sun.

But later in the day one blossom had turned toward me.


  1. Oooh, Iove the red peonies! Especially when they cooperate for photos!

  2. That peony is glorious! Love the hat.

  3. Oh, you wear a proper hat when you dress in your Sunday best.

  4. Mrs. F.G. could open her own greenhouse. So many plants!
    Love the red peony, it is so vibrant in color.

  5. There is certainly evidence of Mrs FG's green thumb there on your driveway.
    Nice shadow selfie.

  6. so much beauty but the hat is my favorite!! i am going to have to call you "the hat"!!

  7. I enjoyed all of your photographs, I like the shadow selfie.

    All the best Jan

  8. What a batch of young plants. That old hat in your shadow looks like the one I wear out in the woods; H says I shouldn't wear it out in public, but sometimes I "forget".
