Wednesday, May 8, 2024

More at Home

The story of spring continues at our house.  And there's so much to post about that I'm going back to some daily posts for awhile.  The big story is that hostas have broken ground, with their spikes pointing to the sky.  They were the biggest component of the garden at our previous home, and they're still a big part of the garden here.  They are the biggest part of the view out my window, so the hosta spikes portend big things to come.

I watch closely every year for any sign of these poking up.  The leaves stay green over winter, as you can see, which is how they get their name.

One clump got discarded into this big pot last year, but they are growing anyway!

Now I know there are white Grape Hyacinth as well as the normal blue ones,

My other favourite here are the ferns; we have about 10 species.  This is a Christmas Fern, just unfolding its fuzzy fiddleheads.

Don't know how I photographed the Azalea with the zoom on this little phone camera, but it worked.

The rabbit looked up from chewing on a dandelion leaf, but otherwise ignored me.


  1. I hope that bunny isn't looking at your Hostas for a meal.
    I was thinking that what I had seen was Skunk Cabbage after I read your post about it.

  2. As long as the rabbit is only chewing dandelion!

  3. One year Kathy thought our Hostas had died, so bought more. She didn't make that mistake twice. The Rabbits used to nest under them through the summer heat.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the beauty of nature.

    It's about time.

  4. Most hostas seem to be really tough, we usually have some growing in our compost after I've discarded a few that have spread too much. The deer munch on the leaves, a lot, but it doesn't seem to hurt the plants.

  5. Yes, we suddenly seem to have so much to post as life changing quickly in this season.

  6. Great close-up of the bunny! It's so exciting to see the green start to emerge from the ground. I'm impressed that the hosta made it through the winter in a container.
    I'm quite enjoying discovering the various perennials in this new yard. More on that in my next post for sure!

  7. Hostas are fun to watch. That bunny picture is awesome. Great capture!
    Of course, your flowers are all beautiful. Mrs. F.G. has quite the green thumb.

  8. Wow what a great close up of the bunny!!!

  9. i have always wanted to add hostas to my garden, they are so pretty!! my azalea are in full bloom right now, and they look so pretty!!

  10. Your garden is awakening and I bet it is a joy to see what comes up. Hopefully the rabbit only eats the grass :-)

  11. That rabbit seems awfully at ease with people nearby; I hope it sticks to munching on dandelions.

  12. I too watch for those Hosta spikes every Spring. They came up so fast this year and are already dominating our flower beds.
