Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Redbud and Serviceberry

Redbud and Serviceberry are unusual here in Meaford, the former at least at the northern limit of its range.*  The blooms are tiny compared to Magnolia, but still very pretty.  We have a Redbud that's in bloom, and a neighbour has a Serviceberry.  

The bright pink blooms of Redbud always amaze me, bursting out of the bare branches.

You might not even recognize Serviceberry; this is the only one I know of in town.  They are often the white trees you see along the edge of woods or in fencerows at this time of year.  It seems a very lacy tree to me.

* Redbud only occur naturally further south, primarily in the U.S., but they will survive when planted in a garden for some distance further north.  I think more people should plant them!


  1. We have serviceberry trees here but one year, a late spring frost damaged all three of them after they started to blossom. So no great blooms any more.

  2. I'e always liked the red bud trees. They are so pretty.

  3. Some trees produce such a vast amount of blossom when you consider that they only need one little sapling to survive them after their long lives to maintain the same number of trees. They certainly look pretty though - and clearly very different from what we call the Wild Service tree.

  4. Our Redbud is blooming as well but not as dazzling as in other years.

  5. Blossom time is such a fine time.

  6. I have never seen Redbud. It is a beauty for sure!

  7. Very pretty! We tend to have flowering crabapple and lilacs here. I expect they'll be blooming soon.

  8. such pretty trees and images of them!! a lot of my neighbors have red bud trees, i never knew why they were called that until i saw the flowers up close!! we had to take down 2 trees a few years ago and the plan was to plant a redbud and a tulip magnolia, we never did. i will remind the hubs and he will make a face!!

  9. Eastern and Chinese redbuds are virtually indistinguishable, most ornamental redbuds seem to be the exotic species from Asia. In any case, they certainly are pretty.
