Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Neighbourhood Ride

I didn't expect to be taking pictures at all on this ride, much less Tulips, but I'm often taking things as they come, and on this ride it was Tulips.  It started with this bright startling white group, and went on from there.

These white ones stopped me in my tracks!

And right above them was this beautiful crab apple in full bloom.

A little further down the street this Japanese Maple was glowing in the sun.

And close by were these bright red Tulips, growing in the unmowed boulevard among long grasses.

The ash tree leaves are still just beginning to unfold, but the maples are in full leaf, as in the background.

As I turned around there was this small clump of deep purple fringed Tulips.

They were just beneath this tightly trimmed Tri-colour Willow shrub.

And I saw my first clump of Buttercups just before I got home.


  1. they must be late blooming tulips...they are all gorgeous!! everything is so pretty, green backgrounds and lots of sun. i favor those buttercups too!! how's the gardner, i hope she is doing well!!

  2. Those are not the tulips of your grandmother’s garden! Gorgeous!

  3. I don't often see white tulips. These are beautiful.

  4. Beauty everywhere ... lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  5. May flowers -- beautiful. I can't recall ever seeing white tulips, those are impressive.

  6. I like that crab apple tree in bloom. I'll bet the bees love it too.

  7. You are fortunate to see all these flowers at their peak.

  8. A great bunch of flower photos and I don't think I have ever seen white tulips. And talk about being in the right place at the right time eh;))

  9. Good to see the tulips, especially the unusual white ones. Our tulips are totally gone. The recent downpour assisted in their departure.

  10. We had a crabapple tree at the head of our laneway in London. Beautiful for about a week them a real messy tree. It had to be removed, for too big for the small space between our homes.
    Pretty ride you had. Full of surprises.

  11. The tulips are lovely, and I've not seen white ones before. The flowering crabapple is a staple in the city, though I've only seen one in our current neighbourhood.

  12. I like the whit tulips too but the red ones always take my breath away.
