Monday, May 27, 2024

Plants in the Chaos Garden

In her own words Mrs. F.G. describes herself as a 'plant stuffer'.  She collects interesting plants and stuffs them in wherever she can find an available spot.  This makes for a very interesting garden!  I have learned so much horticulture by osmosis so to speak.

One of the most interesting to me are the Coral Bells, with their delicate tiny bell-like flowers.  They stand out to me for their different coloured leaves which last all winter, giving me something to look at when the snow's not too heavy.  These leaves are green, but others are yellow and reddish.

There are hostas in every corner of the garden, this one up against the back of our property, marked by two big White Ash trees.

There are also ferns in every corner of the garden, with a larger group behind our shed.  This is the beautiful Maidenhair Fern.

Sweet Cicely is an interesting plant with many uses.  The entire plant can be eaten, from the stalks which are like celery to the seeds which taste a little like licorice.

The Forget-me-nots are one flower that is spreading of its own accord, filling in spaces between larger plants.

These delicate little pink Herb-Robert are another that has been spreading fast this spring.  Ironically, Mrs. F.G. bought seeds for this plant, not realizing it would spread widely and quickly on its own.


  1. That is so cute! Chaos Garden. We have one here on Crumbly Acres!

  2. We just pulled all the forget-me-nots in the garden and put them in the trash. They'll be back next year since they scatter seeds far and wide before we get to them. Each year we remove the plants just before they finish blooming and each year we have just as many -- or more.

  3. Mrs. FG Must be Irish for all the green she has around the garden.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. I like the concept of a designed garden out front and the more haphazard one in the back.

  5. I am not familiar with the Sweet Cicely. So pretty!

  6. I've grown Coral Bells in the past but don't recall ever seeing it bloom. It was one of the purple colored and it was a very shady garden area. The Sweet Cicely is also new to me - I'll have to see if it is hardy to our zone.

  7. Such a wonderful garden! We have that herb Robert around here, it's considered an invasive species and spreads like crazy! Everything is so beautiful there, thanks for sharing.

  8. I think we might have some of that Herb-Robert around here too but I didn't know it was called that.

  9. i too am a plant stuffer. every inch of the garden needs to have plants and every plant has to bloom at one time or another!!

  10. I enjoyed your photographs and the coral bells are a lovely colour.

    All the best Jan

  11. I see you have Lamb's Ears too, mine froze out, you have such a nice variety of plants:)
