Monday, May 13, 2024

Maple Tree Flowers

Some tree flowers are quite showy, but others are tiny and inconspicuous, easily mistaken for emerging leaves.  I'll get to some showy tree flowers in the next two posts, but first I'm gonna make you look at the tiny ones.  These are all on hybrid maple trees, trees chosen for planting in urban areas, and I pass them every day on my rides.

At the end of the street, this maple, like others around here, looks bright green.  But look closely and you'll find those are not leaves, they're tiny flowers.

Here's a closer look.  Everything is sbright green, but you still can't distinguish any of the tiny flowers.

Now you can begin to see the tiny green flowers.

And in this and the following pictures you get a good look at the maple flowers.  Remember these are all on branches waving someplace above my head!

Now that you've seen the tiny flowers, I hope you'll stop and take a close look yourself.  We'll move on to some of the showy flowers here tomorrow.

Our three birthdays were celebrated in style, with two cakes no less!  I'm all charged up and ready for the next decade!  It's a beautiful sunny day here, and finally it's warm!


  1. Nice to see the Maple Tree and it's flowers.
    Also pleased to read the three birthdays were celebrated in style, my good wishes to all :)

    All the best Jan

  2. They are really pretty and look even prettier against the.bright blue sky.

  3. Thanks for all the pictures and descriptions. I will go out and look for them here, to compare to yours. And I loved that trillium picture from yesterday's post. I've never seen so many all at once.

  4. It's so interesting that what look like leaves look so different close up. Almost like Dill.
    Finally you have warm weather.

  5. You are a pretty fair observer.

  6. We don't have many/any maples here, but I'll have to take a closer look at the trees around me.
    Sounds like the birthday celebrations were pretty special. Wishing you many more!

  7. Never noticed the Flowers before, only the seeds as the fall into the gardens and try to root.
    Another extensive lesson in Horticulture.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  8. I've lived and been around and near Maple trees for nearly 80 years and I'm sure I've noticed that flower effect instead of leaves, but as so often happens now, I had completely forgotten about it until you mentioned it. Good stuff.
