Friday, May 3, 2024

Continuing Our Drive

 We left that location of  Wodehouse Creek and turned a corner to see if I could get a better picture of the Skunk Cabbage. Soon we came to the same creek just a little bit upstream of the big wetland and just a little bit downstream of the big springs where it all begins.

This is Wodehouse Creek on the next concession road.  I had been by here dozens of times without being aware of the springs a short distance to the west.

But then I took that plane ride and looked down upon it all.  The road is just out of sight to the right.  Wodehouse Creek begins in those big springs along the farm lane where water rises out of the bedrock.  You can get some idea of the volume by looking at the photo above, a stream at least 30 feet wide and a foot deep about 200 yards below the springs.  That's quite the flow.

We drove further along keeping an eye on the ditch, and first saw a big patch of Marsh Marigolds.  they're not quite out yet, but they're gorgeous when they are!

Then we came across the large bright green leaves of some Skunk Cabbage.  You can see a few of the purple spathes among the leaves.

After that it was a left turn here, and a right turn there until we ended up at the crossroads known as Goring.  This is the old general store, long since converted to residential use.  The spots are rain on the windshield.


  1. the marsh marigolds are such a pretty shade of yellow. i would not mind living in an old, converted general store!! i have to go read yesterday's post to completely understand the beginning of today's post!!

  2. I guess it was Skunk Cabbage that I saw down by the Humber river last week. It looks so green and springlike. I should go back and look for the purple spathes.

  3. They are such bright green leaves on that Skunk Cabbage!

    All the best Jan

  4. A mass of marsh marigold in full bloom always elicits a "WOW!" from both of us. We've had one or two plants in our tiny backyard pond for years, just to see the flowers in spring.

  5. I'm not familiar with Marsh Marigolds. They sure are pretty.

  6. Lovely flowers, and the skunk cabbage are a very interesting looking plant. Do they call them skunk because they have an odor? I'll have to google it!

  7. You do have adventures! I find it difficult to get motivated to go into town... Thanks for sharing yours!

  8. We are almost ready for Marsh Marigolds here, they are tiny yet , such a pretty sign of Spring!

  9. Those Springs look like a great place for a dip on a hot Summer's day.
