Friday, May 24, 2024

More Lilacs (and Me)

Continuing our visit to Lilac Lane, let me share a few more Lilac pictures.  Try to imagine yourself surrounded by the scent of Lilacs.

And now, to complete your Lilac Lane visit, an almost-selfie (actually a picture taken by Mrs. F.G.).

Don't forget my broken left leg!

We made a further stop at Goldsmiths on the way home, where I stayed in the care while Mrs. F.G. went in to pick up a few things.  I amused myself by taking pictures of the orchard behind the store.  Yes, the apple trees are in full bloom.  Hope you have the same sunny day we're getting here!


  1. In our previous home, we lined the driveway down the back of the house with lilacs. It was gorgeous in bloom! I can imagine what this area is like!

  2. Our lilacs for this year have come and gone. I am thrilled to have yours to enjoy at present. That's quite an amazing cast, too! :-)

  3. It is a beautiful shiny day here too! Nice to SEE you by the way.
    Stop teasing with all the lilacs!! 😁

  4. It's good to see you smiling and enjoying the day. I exasperate Sue by not smiling well for the camera.

  5. Lovely flowers, and that guy with the bum leg sure has a good attitude!

  6. Lilacs have the best fragrance. Always reminds me of my Grandma. She had them planted all along the side of her house and would open the windows. The whole house smelled wonderful.
    Glad you had a nice sunny day to enjoy. :)

  7. The lilacs and apple blossoms are lovely. Great photo of you too. :)

  8. I looked at your lilacs and can just imagine that perfume. Broken leg? You stop at nothing to get out and get those stunning photos. Down here, cool start at 4C, dull, grey and still cool.

  9. Nothing like lilac time. Ours are a while from blooming.

  10. I wished Lilacs would hang around longer. Ours are mostly all gone already. A great 'almost selfie' photo.

  11. My mother almost always used a lilac-scented perfume, so H and I always think of her when we smell lilacs.

  12. Lilacs have a wonderful fragrance.
    I enjoyed your photographs, and that's a nice 'almost selfie'.

    My good wishes to you and Mrs FG.

    All the best Jan

  13. gorgeous, stunning lilacs...they have been my favorite flower since childhood. your looking good "hat"!!
