Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Photo a Day for April

I've been inspired to try this by Woody Meristem, a regular commenter on my blog, who on April 2nd posted a photo a day for the entire first quarter of the year.  He said "Consider doing something similar..." so I've taken up the challenge.  You will have seen many of these photos before in the blog.  His own post is well worth checking out.

Of course I have all kinds of limitations compared to Woody.  I'm in a wheelchair and can't always get the perspective I want.  I can't get out into the woods and fields; several of my pictures in April were shot from my living room window.  And I'm not nearly as good a photographer as Woody.  I'm just shooting with a camera phone.

However, this exercise has proven remarkably successful for me.  I have paid more attention to what I could photograph every day, and committed more time to the effort.  I've enjoyed the challenge and plan to continue it - perhaps even get a photo for the entire quarter of the year.  I hope you enjoy these.  Notes on the cheating involved are posted at the end.

The back yard, Apr. 4th.

Dwarf Iris, the first flower of spring for me.

Hellebore in the rain.

Scilla in a lawn downtown.

View over the Beaver Valley.

The Beaver River at a favourite canoe take-out spot.

American Robin


Umbrella Primrose


My mystery plant, which turned out to be a Broad-leaved Grape Hyacinth.

The hawk silhouette on our window.  You can tell I was desperate that day for something to photograph. 

Br'er rabbit



Yellow dwarf Iris

Lichen on the bark of our Sugar Maple

Evening sunlight across the golf course.

We do get occasional sunny days in April!


The ancient glacial shoreline of Lake Nipissing where it runs through town, usually a steep forested slope.  I want to write more about this someday, as soon as I can figure out how to do a map!

It's time to harden off the plants!

Daffodils and Hyacinths


A touch of snow.

Peony shoots

Typical April morning here - wet!

Wodehouse Creek


Creeping thyme

Notes on Cheating - I didn't get the idea until Apr. 2nd, so I only started on Apr. 4th.  I missed two days.  On one day I included three pictures.  I struggled with the mixture of photos chosen to represent things that were significant to me, or for the season, and those that were simply good photos in my own mind.  But I learned so much doing this, and plan to continue, being more careful along the way.  Thank you Woody, for the challenge!

This post is my other contribution to celebrating my own birthday!  Watch for next month's contribution at the end of the month.


  1. Wonderful idea and delightful pictures. Such a bounty of gorgeousness!

  2. The close ups of yellow and deep blue are stunning, and how the scene varies fro sun to shadow to snow. Has your birthday been and gone for another year already? Many wishes if too late for the real day, hope it was sunny and you had some cake.


  3. Well done. I almost post a photo a day on Flickr and have done so for years. But it is not a goal, so I do miss some days.

  4. Great idea!! I always enjoy your pictures.

  5. Wonderful photos! I have a tough time coming up with one photo a week so I am impressed with your efforts. I'll have to check in on Woody's blog - I've not read his posts in the past.

  6. Happy Birthday! This was a great way to celebrate.

  7. Happy Birthday, FG. Love the photos. Hope you find great photos on you special day!

  8. Such lovely photographs.
    Many happy birthday wishes.

    All the best Jan
