Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Playing with Splashes

We moved over to this ghostly ice-coated tree where the waves seemed to be splashing more regularly.  Instead of a splash every now and then, here it was splashing on every shot.  My iphone seemed to get the focus just right, and be shooting at a speed fast enough to capture the water in mid-air.

I could have kept shooting all afternoon and got a different splash on every shot, and in the bright sun too!


We're still enjoying our gentle winter, and hoping it will continue.  Several days recently have felt like early spring, and the days are definitely longer, by nearly an hour.  Do you know that it will be less than 4 weeks until daylight savings begins?  That marks spring more to me than the spring equinox.

We're learning to pick daytime events to get out to, so this morning we went to the Life Long Learning series of lectures in Thornbury.  It was a talk on 'Saints and Sinners', the story of Owen Sound's long history as a dry city, and the eventual votes to allow alcohol.  Owen Sound was 'dry' longer than any other city in Canada, from 1909 to 1962.  It was also the location where the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was founded in 1874.  Prohibition became linked to the womens' suffrage movement as it was argued we would never get prohibition as long as only men could vote!

There are two interesting downtown corners in Owen Sound, one the location of four taverns, and one, just a block over,  the location of four churches.  They're widely known as Damnation Corners and Salvation Corners, reflecting the long decades of argument over prohibition.


  1. Spectacular pics of the water and ice!

  2. Wonderful action shots. The two street corners must be quite a contrast even today.

  3. Nice that you have such a lovely area for cultural advancement with lextures. Not so where I live. These photos remind me that I do not miss the winter we did not get!

  4. Ice is certainly nice -- good photos for a phone.

  5. Damnation and Salvation is amusing. I think that is a debate that will never die! Great phone shots!

  6. Beautiful splashes! Your phone did well! Interesting bits of history in your area! :)

  7. I never tire of the natural ice sculptures that occur there; I've only ever seen them around waterfalls in the Welsh mountains when I used to walk there every Christmas holiday. We always used to reckon that Spring begins on St Valentine's Day - it was usually the first day when we could get home from work on the farm in daylight (we finished at 4:30 and it took about half an hour to get home).

  8. Love those pictures and the story of prohibition in your area. :-)

  9. it's good to get out...in our neck of the woods, there is not much to do. i am trying to talk the hubs in to taking me to the aquarium, he has yet to look up from his computer * sigh *

    your images are beautiful today, i enjoyed the splash!!

  10. These are great captures...the ice on the trees always fascinates me.

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  12. Got yourself some pretty splashy photos there:))
