Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ice and Waves

I've got one last post of the waves, splashes and ice down at the shoreline the other day.  The waves were thundering in to the west of the harbour and we headed over to the now fenced-off playground to see what was up.  Nice sunny day then and another nice sunny day now.

Looking west toward the tank range the waves have an unobstructed fetch of many miles to build up in size.  Homes along this stretch the shoreline (to the left)  are facing huge costs to maintain their properties with the high water levels and storms we've been having.

There were splashes here too, and very rough water!

 Right in front of us, ice on the shore side of the boulders was beginning to melt in the strong afternoon sun, but the ice was getting refreshed constantly by more splashes.

The three sad trees towards the playground area are heavily encased in ice, with lots of dripping icicles.  The playground fencing has collapsed of course.  The town will have to make some difficult decisions this spring about shoreline protection.  I expect the playground will get moved entirely.


  1. Wow, the ice is amazing, like sculptures. Beautiful views of the water and waves. Enjoy your day!

  2. Incredible pictures! And that choppy freezing water looks treacherous indeed. I enjoyed studying the pictures carefully. :-)

  3. You wonder if the trees will come through the winter, with that happening, but they've grown this big thus far.

  4. Hope you kept your camera dry!!

  5. Brrr-rrrr--rrrr They all looks so cold. But I still cannot help but love to see them.

  6. Ah the joys of owning waterfront property! Very nice photos of the ice -- pretty formations.

  7. It's nice you have that easy access to Georgian Bay waters. Makes for great photos at this time of year and I'm glad that iPhone is working out so well for you.
