Sunday, May 8, 2016

Early May Garden Update

The garden is beginning to look like a garden instead of a messy leftover patch of brown beyond the lawn!  I've actually been cleaning it up a bit, and flowers have started to bloom, just the smallest ones yet.  But a lot of green leaves are bursting out of the ground fast.

Of course it's Dandelion season, and they're scattered across the lawn; soon there will be lots more.  If we could only get over our prejudice against it as a weed, a prime reason herbicides are used on lawns, we might appreciate this very beautiful and remarkably hardy flower!

My favourite emerging plants are the ferns, which always emerge in the form of fiddleheads.  This is the first Christmas Fern frond, about 2" across.

And this is a Maidenhair Fern fiddlehead, only yet about 1/4" across and 1/2" high, glowing in the evening sun.

This Fritillaria is probably the most interesting flower in the garden at the moment; both blooms are from one plant.

I always like the Grape Hyacinths, and the splash of bright blue they provide.

And we do have a few Daffodils in bloom, though not many.

It's really the time of the Primroses, and we have about half a dozen different colours.  As you can see by my selection, I like the bright ones!

And fnially, the first spikes of Hostas are emerging, just a very few yet.  Once they've emerged and the leaves grown, they are the backbone of our garden, with dozens of varieties.  There'll be pictures in June or July.

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  1. One of the reasons for not loving dandelions is that everywhere around here all we see are the seedheads, long stalks qith fuzzy heads that fly everywhere, not pretty at all! Your beautiiful grape hyacinth, however, are so pretty! :-)

  2. Fritillaria, I have tried to grow them, no luck at all. Grape Hyacinths, lovely deep shades, and those hosta spikes, a sure sign of what is to come .

  3. You've got lots of early colors!

  4. Love your bright and beautiful garden and if I were the envying kind, it would be the Fritillarias. My own garden is a tragedy in progress, without water, nothing has grown since spring. At present, with a bit of very late autumn rain, all it does is confuse the bird population into mating just when we are heading into winter.
    Thank you for your comment, I am at present writing my family history and my grandson, who has a flair for language, is going to draw on it for a book.

  5. Dandelions are a medicinal and salad plant and one can roast the roots for a healthy coffee substitute. If you turn the flowers into a liqueur, you even have the ambrosia of the golds. I have tried growing them but our soil and water are, sadly, too saline. Odd, how people put the label 'weed' on so many edible and medicinal plants like chicory and evening primrose.

  6. Beautiful flower photos! Glad to see you're getting some color in your yard.

  7. Really lovely to look at, have a nice week and best wishes!

  8. Really lovely to look at, have a nice week and best wishes!

  9. Hello, lovely spring colors and flowers. Beautiful images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!


  10. Beautiful! Beautiful!
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Lovely plants. I do like dandelions, and we're seeing them here now too.

  12. Lovely colors, and the ferns are really unique as they unfold.

  13. Beautiful photos of things coming to life in your part of the world. I love the photo of the grape hyacinth. It will be fiddlehead picking time here soon! Yummy.

  14. The spring flowers are beautiful. I'm one who loves the dandelions and have many of them in my lawn. I like the yellow polka dots in the green. : )

  15. Wonderful! We had a warm week and things are very quickly getting green here as well.
