Monday, March 23, 2020

Winter is Back!

March is playing with us, as it always does.  It's been snowing lightly but steadily for hours now, and the world outside is white again.  The only saving grace is the forecast which says it will be up to 8 or 10°C tomorrow and the rest of the week.

We've gone from what I hoped was the last major snowfall early last week,

to watching all those remnant patches of snow disappear,

to waking up one morning to a very light drift of snow that disappeared by the end of the day.  You'll have to take my word for it because I failed to get a picture.

And this morning it looks like we're back to winter.  I'm waiting for those nice clear sunny days when the snow is entirely gone and I can get out for a ride!  I wish March, with its ups and downs, would just go away!

Even our Heron/Crane/Ostrich is feeling the chill!


  1. We're currently experiencing one of March's "ups", bright, sunny and warm though with a bit of wind. I fear there may still be some surprises in store.

  2. While our weather is cold and dreary we got very little snow this year. That was a bit frightening. YOur spring is just around the corner. Hang in there!!

  3. A bit of snow and rain down here -- just adds to the depressing state of the world right now. This is going to be a long slog with a lot of difficulties for a lot of people. But spring's coming, and the sun will still rise tomorrow morning.

  4. It has turned to rain down here! It will be warmer the rest of the week!

  5. We had hard rain this morning, but now the sun has come out. We also are having our March ups and downs. Your view changes with the coming and going of the snow, but it looks pretty in any event. :-)

  6. My kind of weather. It's doing the same here. I went photographing. Though I have no idea when I can post them.

  7. Yes it's our old familiar March weather roller coaster alright. The 14 day forecast looks good but our next major snowstorm could be right around the corner just the same. We got maybe an inch overnight and most of it has already melted. A month from now we will be well clear of all this and these crappy weather days will just be another old faded memory.

  8. The whole winter has been like that here!!

  9. It has been a roller coast ride with the weather this year....we had snow for a few minutes yesterday evening. I was thankful that was all.

  10. Wow, you folks got more than us, East of Algonquin. It looked like snow falling, but when I went outdoors, it was more like rain. The car was bare but the old snow had a bit of a freshening up.

  11. The weather is being erratic down here, also. No snow, though.

  12. Soon, right?? 7 more days and we pray for a snow-free April too.
