Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Sunrise Moves North

It's a bright beautiful sunny day and we're going out for a drive and lunch later on.  But dreaming up things to post about I went back and checked this date in earlier years.  My post of March 7th, 2015 struck me as interesting, because I had noticed the bright sun shining in the bedroom window again this morning and creeping steadily across the wall.  Earlier in the winter it rises too far south and is hidden by big Spruce trees.

At our former house in the valley I habitually took pictures out the living room window as I do now, but then I was facing southeast, and in the days before caregivers, was usually up for the sunrise.  This is close to the winter solstice, the furthest south the sun broke over the horizon.

Pay attention to the larger trees in the fencerow through this series of pictures.  This is mid-January.


Late February.

March 6th - yesterday.  The seasons change relentlessly, even if there's still snow and cold.  And I'm looking forward to it more than ever!

This is NOT today; this is 2015, but I thought I'd share it anyway.  This year, 2020, has been the winter that wasn't.  I don't think the temperature ever dropped much more than a degree or two below -20°.  In most earlier years at least a few days fell below -30°.  I wonder how many bugs that we don't like didn't get killed off this winter.


  1. Last winter and this winter have been quite mild in Eastern Ontario. I wonder if that is why we have had so much snow? Winter weather came quite late, so late we thought we may have a "green" Christmas. But once it started to snow, man oh man, every week we have had a really significant dump.

  2. Every year the seasons change, but it never ceases to be a source of wonder, no matter how many times we see it. We've just had our wettest February on record and one of the mildest too.

  3. Like yourself we've been paying attention as to where the Sun rises and sets at different locations.
    Hopefully it was still cold enough to kill off the pests we don't appreciate.
    Be Safe, stay warm and Enjoy nature.

    It's about time.

  4. Those pictures show well our Earth tilting further and further into the warmer air of the southern hemisphere.

  5. I hope life starts to thaw out for you soon and the snow will be replaced by grass.

  6. At our other home we had a clear view through the trees of the sunrise, and I so enjoyed seeing it vary from week to seek as the season changed. Here, street lights, house roofs, and power lines alter the view so much.But yesterday was a beautiful red with orange and gold at 7.15 a.m. Those minus degrees, gives me an idea of how perishingly cold it gets for you up North.

  7. I remember this segment showing the progression of the sunrise from back then. It got me to noticing where it comes up on my front porch! :-)

  8. That is really neat to see the change in the position of the sun.

  9. It would be miserable to live in the tropics with little change of seasons and an almost constant day length -- glad I'm a northern boy. Thanks for repeating that older post, it's interesting to see the northward progression of sunrise as the season lengthens.

  10. The sun's relative position does change quite a bit.

  11. Wow, that is a big change...I know it changes here, but I have never noticed just how much.

  12. I watch the sun come up behind our neighbors roof. As the earth tilts back I can now see it to the left out in the open again.
