Sunday, May 16, 2021

A Baltimore Oriole!


Early this morning Mrs. F.G. walked into the living room and saw a Baltimore Oriole at the feeder, sitting on one of the orange halves she had put out yesterday.  She quickly came back into the bedroom and asked for my phone.  Quickly she snapped a few pictures.  Here are the best three.

We watch for these every year at this time, about the middle of May.  They stay around for about three weeks usually.  After that they are being very quiet and hard to see while they are nesting.  They hurry back south too, before there's any risk of cold weather.

It had it's head in the orange most of the time, though it didn't stay very long.

The orioles are a highlight of the summer for us; we really enjoy seeing them.  Now summer is really here.

The plants have shot up and the leaves have unfolded in just the past three days of warmth, and it's supposed to be staying warm or even warmer all week!


  1. I've been hearing them for the last few days!

  2. Colours to match the orange halves and the black feeder frame. Love that last one.

  3. Summer will arrive for for a few days. Expect uncomfortable temperatures.
    Great Pictures of the Oriole.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. My brother sent a photo of one at the farm today. I may have to try putting out some oranges to see if any will come by. I've not seen any in the city.

    Beautiful birds!

  5. Beautiful bird - he sure looks like he's enjoying that orange!

  6. It is fortunate that you get to see them. I rarely to never see them in our area as they are usually just moving through headed north. I did hang a hummingbird feeder yesterday and this morning I saw one on the feeder. No camera in the area so you just have to believe me.

  7. Lovely photographs, what a beautiful bird.

    All the best Jan

  8. How cool! We don't get birds like that where I live.

  9. Great photos of that lovely Oriole.

  10. They apparently love grape jelly (as do catbirds and some hummingbirds), the least expensive will do -- they're not gourmets.

  11. I am not sure if I have ever seen one, so I appreciate your photos.

  12. Orioles are always a special treat to see and good job on the photos.

  13. Beautiful bird and a great visitor! Take care, have a happy new week!

  14. Love seeing those pretty birds, and your pictures are wonderful. What a great way to start the week!

  15. I remember seeing an oriole on my lilac bush years ago. It usually isn't here in Oregon. When there were forest fires in places south of us, we'd see birds never seen before. Obviously they knew where there was food and bathed in the bird bath. Trees to sit on. Sept 2020. Never knew birds liked oranges. I will check that out! Good photos your wife took. Have a great week!!
