Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Highlights of 2023 - Part II

I ended up with simply too many photos, so you're getting these in three parts.  I guess that's a good thing; maybe it means I got lots of good shots over the year.  In any case, in June and July the garden is definitely the highlight, and I can get close to many of the flowers so I do get some good shots.  In fact there are far too many to choose from!

The first of the big showy flowers to bloom are the Peonies.  We have about half a dozen large plants, and the flowers are big, bright and bold.  When they show up in the garden you know summer has arrived!

I could have selected any one of a dozen different Clematis to show you, but I chose this deep red one growing up against the shed where I can get quite close.

I just absolutely love the lighting and the colour of this Lupin.

Then the fox kits are out playing in the long grass for the first time.  Amazing that we only see the fox for 2-3 months a year.  Where are they for the other 9-10 months?  A heavily zoomed shot with my phone.

June also brings strawberry season, and you know what that means - strawberry jam making.  That's one of Mrs. F.G.'s big events of the season.

And there are some beautiful flowers outside the garden too.  Chicory is one of my favourite, here growing up in the gravel at the edge of a parking lot downtown.

Another Clematis,  This one has only tiny white blooms, but lots of them  It spreads over the base of our Sugar Maple like dense confetti.

It's easy to get close-ups of flowers in the garden, but quite difficult to get shots of the entire garden that do it justice.  I think this is one of my best, even if it does show mainly the concrete path!

And by later July the Day Lilies are in bloom.  We have lots, but the deep purple ones are one of my favourites.  

Before we get too far into August, sometimes even in late July, the Goldenrod appear.  For me that's the beginning of the end of summer, or the beginning of the beginning of fall, the longest season for wheelchairs.  Lots to see and do now!


  1. These pictures are gorgeous, and bring back to mindf the wonderful joys of the last year. I look forward to your next batch of beauties! :-)

  2. Wonderful photos! Such a perfect time to share them, as my view out the window is grey/brown and more grey. Thanks for sharing all the gorgeous colors. Those fox kits are adorable!

  3. You did well on the full garden photo. You're right about closeups usually working best. However that photo shows the overall awesomeness of your wife's garden. I am impressed.

  4. Your summer is blooms is always a treat, FG.

  5. You have a beautiful flower garden.

  6. I don't recall that image, with the flowers on either side! It is lovely. Soon the flowers will be back!

  7. Great pictures. The one of the fox kits really is a good one.

  8. Day lilies, foxes playing, but the path and a seat or two at the end is my pick. Happy New Year and best wishes for more wonderful photos in 2024.

  9. At first I thought your entire post was going to have a red theme, but that's not the case -- the garden was beautiful indeed.

  10. Beautiful photographs, so colourful.

    All the best Jan

  11. Great photos and beautiful gardens.
