Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Winter #3 - Cross-Country Skiing

Today we'll revisit my cross-country skiing.  This was one of my favourite winter activities once we moved to the valley.  And there were great opportunities nearby, with groomed trails no less.  Our favourite place to ski was at the Glenelg Norric Ski Club.  It covered 600 acres between public and private land of co-operating landowners.  I loved the trails.

On the trails I favoured you had to follow a winding trail across a field first.

Very quickly you were in the woods, sheltered from any wind, and on this flat trail I could move pretty well!

At one point the trail bordered a large open field.

And soon it was the Long Piney Woods trail.  This was a specific favourite of mine, a long straight hill where you had to be capable of stopping quickly at the bottom, or fall.  I fell more than once.

I often skiied with two buddies and we had a lot of fun together, going other places besides here.  It made winter a bit more sociable too

I'll leave you with this telephoto shot of another long straight downhill trail.  I don't remember falling here, but I certainly do remember others falling here, one of whom broke an ankle.  It took a long time for help to get to him and get him out!


  1. Ah yes, I too remember cross-country skiing. The last several winters we really haven't had enough snow to have enjoyable skiing, even if my gradually failing legs would permit. Recently we've been getting a day of snow followed by several days of rain and warm temperatures. Unfortunately it appears that we're looking into the future.

  2. I bet that's a good workout. I've never done that!

  3. On a nice day, with sunshine and decent temp, it would be a lovely place to enjoy. I've never skied, cross-country or otherwise. I tried a pair of skis on once, immediately crossed one over the other, fell, and decided it wasn't for me.

  4. When I lived in Colorado, I loved cross country skiing and did it often. When I moved here, I stopped because the snow is much less enticing than the powder we had there. You did bring back some good memories, though! :-)

  5. Helping a guy with a broken ankle out on the trail. Not fun. But in general it must be a lot of fun.

  6. I have only cross country skied a few times when I visited relatives in Colorado and I can tell you it was exhausting. It is a hard exercise.

  7. Love seeing people enjoy winter. It is so easy to complain about it!

  8. I really wished to have learned how to ski but that just didn't happen because of life's happenings. It wa good you had friends to share it with. We had certain families that went sking in Colorado once in a year but they have grown apart.

  9. Something i always wanted to try but never did. No one was game to go with me.
