Thursday, January 18, 2024

Winter #8 - Wildlife

On the rare occasions when it happens, we do see wildlife in the winter, even though our bird feeders have failed to attract any birds in recent winters here in Meaford.  So I had to troll fairly deeply to even find these images, but here they are for your viewing pleasure.

I really enjoy the cheeky little Red Squirrel.  Black and grey squirrels are more numerous, but a smaller Red Squirrel will chase them away anytime!  I've found many small dumps of chewed spruce cones, for the squirrels seem to like to sit in the same place to chew them down for the seeds.

Most of our Canada Geese fly south, but there are always a few who either stay here, or at least wait til the snow arrive before disappearing.  I caught this flock leaving a flooded field.

Our favourites are the Snowy Owls who migrate down this far to spend the winter.  We'll never forget the year we saw over 20 along a fencerow some distance southwest of here.  But I've never been able to get a good close picture.

This white-tailed Deer was just waking up I think when I got this shot out the living room window.  We had added 15% clover seed when we seeded our new lawn, and it survived under the snow, bringing the deer who would paw the snow away before eating their salad!

These depressions in the snow are all spots where the deer have been searching for clover, and then bedding down for the night, right out our window.

And I'll end with a Chickadee.  We do get at least a few birds at the feeder!


  1. Love these photos, FG. The deer bedded down on the lawn is quite something!

  2. Oh, a delight to see those photos. Yesterday was up to 30C, today tells me it will be only 26C. Any reprieve is good. The squirrel with the one seed on his chin, beautiful .

  3. Great wildlife pictures. I wonder why you don't get many birds at your feeders? This year the suet we put out is not to the birds liking. They try it, leave, and don't come back.

  4. Again, as always, wonderful photos! I do wonder too, why your feeders don't attract the birds. It's something I miss from my old house as I don't have feeders set up here.
    I do, however, have a visiting red squirrel or possible two but haven't gotten any photos (yet). There are also at least two hares that like to lay on the neighbour's yard.

  5. Lovely photographs you've shared here ...

    All the best Jan

  6. Fantastic closeup of the squirrel. Favorite is the chick-a-dee.

  7. Wonderful pictures. I love to see the snowy owls when they are around. And all the other beautiful wildife. Thank you, friend, for finding these and sharing them. :-)

  8. LD.....I can't seem to normally comment anymore. I like the squirrels and they seem to pose for the camera. You have some great wildlife shots there and it does make being snowbound a little more interesting.

  9. We don't have many birds at the feeders either, probably in part due to the reported 30% decrease in bird population in North America.

  10. I've not had much luck in spotting Snowy Owls, therefore I have never taken a picture of one. You have some nice Red Squirrel photos there. We don't have as many Cardinals at the feeder this year compared to the last few years.
