Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Mid-summers Day in October

It was one of those rare warm sunny October days with the leaves changing colour fast.  For the first time since coming home I sat out on the deck and enjoyed the warmth, the view, and a good book.  I drove the chair down the ramps onto the lawn, and beyond that out onto the golf course.  All worked well.

The deck, with its view through our trees out to the golf course, turned out to be a nice place to sit.

I drove down the ramp and out onto the golf course - testing the wheelchair all the way.  It was a bumpy ride, but it worked fine.

Those big old maples are changing colour so fast you can almost see it.

 A few days ago this tree was still half green.

A neighbour's Burning Bush.

And a brilliant yellow White Ash tree next door.


  1. A good day for being outside testing the power of your chair to travel over the grass to the golf course, in the sweet fall air and the changing colours. Reading a book was the extra bonus.

  2. Great pictures as always to the well focused photographer.
    Glad you are getting out and about with this warm weather.
    Tomorrow will still be nice but pull up your socks starting Thursday.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. It is amazing how fast these trees change color loving you pictures, thanks for sharing.
    Glad the chair worked out for you to get out and about.

  4. Hasn't this day just been a treat! Tomorrow the same apparently. There is SNOW in our forecast for Friday night (in the Ottawa Valley)

  5. Nice fall color pics! I'm happy to see you out and about.

  6. Sounds nice being out in the sun reading and enjoy the beautiful fall colors.

  7. The blog are the best that is extremely useful to keep.
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  8. Gorgeous trees! It's like summer here too.

  9. Hello, pretty Autumn colors. Lovely photos. Enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  10. Great that you're getting out and about in your new chair. Recently I saw what can only be described as an ATV motorized wheelchair with wheels well over a foot in diameter. The weather down here certainly isn't typical for mid-October, years ago we usually had snow flurries by October 15 but no longer.

  11. Really well done! Old dog, new tricks!!! :')

  12. We've done something right to get these few gorgeous days! So happy to hear you getting your wheels out on the grass of the golf course. Listen for the "FORE!" and remember to duck. :)
    To respond to your comment on my post. The 16th works at 3. If anything should change don't hesitate to let us know. You can email Bill with your address. Take care and enjoy the fall in all its glory.

  13. Come January and all of our cypress are a rust-color...I'll send you Florida 'fall colors'

  14. Wonderful color, and how great that you can get out so far in the wheelchair. Brings a smile to my face. :-)

  15. Lovely. You may be interested in my posts.

  16. Those golden October days are awesome. Too bad there weren't more of them.

  17. Beautiful fall colours. Yesterday morning started out cool here, but quickly warmed up, and we got the first sunshine that we'd really had in more than a week.

  18. I wonder what the Latin name is for burning bush. It is nothing like what Iwas taught to call burning bush. But isn’t that always the way? Pretty good October days here in London too.

    1. I know it as Euonymous alatus, a common ornamental shrub here.

  19. Next time out on the golf course head for the greens where it's really nice and smooth. Bet you can get up to about 40 mph on some of those. Remember to take a pair of ear muffs.

  20. Of course you are out there testing the limits of that motorized chair. What a beautiful scene to share.
