Sunday, October 28, 2018

Late October Snow Flurry

We woke to another dusting of snow across the grass and roofs of nearby houses.  It seems inevitable as we near the end of the month that we'll get at least some snow flurries, if not more.  Parts south of us are getting considerably more snow.

Other than that, it was a quiet day, hopefully the start of a quiet week!


  1. We have had heavy rain off and on for a few days. It's not as pretty as your snow, that's for sure! :-)

  2. No snow here except for in the high country. However, there were reports of hail in several locations that made the ground look like a dusting of snow. - Margy

  3. Nice picture of the dusting.
    Our's was mainly Rain all day.
    Quiet days are nice.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. There is much to be desired in looking forward to a quiet week.

  5. I always so enjoy your photos, and the snow ones are my favourites. Have a quiet week, ours will happen next week after we move out. Lots of R&R!!! Then 5 weeks forward, and move into our next home.

  6. Yes, I'm sure a quiet week would be most welcome. It's turning colder here too, though no talk of any snow except a dusting in the Scottish mountains.

  7. Rain here but that IS why we left your area. :D
    Hope your week is a quiet one to make up for the last crazy busy one. Thinking of you guys and praying you get some sun too.

  8. Glad we got out of there before the first snow this year.
    Keep yourself warm and cozy.

  9. the snow looks so pretty with the autumn colors!! i hope today is a good day!!

  10. I like the first snow fall as it always looks so pretty . Nothing but rain down this way and lots of it . Lovely photo .

  11. We had snow yesterday as well, a few hours later than you would have seen it start.

  12. It does make a great peaceful scene. I like it but I am not anxious for snow just yet.

  13. I'm hoping you have your snow tires on. The greens on that golf course could be very slippery.
