Friday, January 13, 2017

The Sun Turns

Have you noticed the longer days we're getting?  The first few weeks of January mark the turning of the season after the winter solstice.  The sun reaches its furthest point south, and starts rising each day further and further north on the horizon.  I mark the change by the point along our fenceow where the sun rises.

Dec. 20, 2016 - The Winter Solstice

Fri. Jan.  13, 2017 - Today
Look carefully; spring is on its way!

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  1. I notice the sunset is later in the evening. Yay for the return of the sun.

  2. Lovely photos , I always notice the suns position in the mornings and at evening just another one of natures fab wonders. Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend . PS hope your eye is healing well !

  3. Beneath the snow, spring is rising....

  4. And you guys should be in for the annual January thaw in another week or so too.

  5. No matter how tough things may be the sun still comes up in the morning.

  6. And down here, it is rising further to the north, and the shadows early on are changing already. Maybe just a minute or so, but quite noticeable. Let that sunshine warm your heart right now.

  7. We are gaining more than two minutes of daylight every single day! I love your markers and should start doing something similar myself. :-)

  8. We are really enjoying the longer days here in the desert.

  9. I have noticed the later sunset in the last few days as compared to what it was at the solstice.

  10. Yeah, I've noticed the sun isn't going down quite as early. But I'm still looking forward to more daylight hours.

  11. I've noticed it in the evenings but not mornings yet. Though it has been cloudy most days.

  12. These photos took some planning and some getting up early. I appreciate the hope they bring us that indeed the days will get longer. Nice photos.

  13. Ah.. I see that the sun is rising further to the right (north) in the photo. That is something I would have missed without your direction. Thank you! Winter Solstice is celebrated more here than anywhere else I have lived. Children make lamps, a brass band arrives, flowers are thrown in False Creek, and people march with their lanterns through the park to the community centre next door to us. Many keep the beat on their hand drums as they walk. I was barely aware of the shortest or longest days of the year as a child, but it is different now. It helps that Bill and I have breakfast at the same time every morning (7:45) and Black Jack is always walked before we eat. I notice, now, for example, the crows arriving earlier in the morning from their roosting spot. Their wake-up routine is guided by the sun and not by the clock. :) We are both noticing more light in the evenings as well. So yes, I've noticed changes, but it was lovely to read your post. :)
