Monday, October 2, 2023

The Last of the Scarecrows!

There were also quite s few home-made scarecrows I spotted, sitting outside private homes.  I was really impressed with these.

A lady at the end of our street made the best of these, really neat!

These are the purchased ones many people put out, mostly the small size,

The new long term care home had a number at the front entrance.

One big pirate and a family of little ones.

The most creative effort, a pirate aboard his ship!

And our neighbours themselves sat out front taking in the sun while fishing!


  1. I don't think I've ever seen baby pirates before. The folks in Meaford certainly put a lot of effort into the scarecrows and many are outstanding..

  2. The pirate on board looks like he’s had too much to drink. These are great!

  3. Some people are very clever and creative!! :).

  4. Very clever and lots of fun to see them. Thanks!

  5. What fun! I have one of those $store scarecrows in my front yard too. Perhaps I need more. :)

  6. The people had a great time creating them. I have one that is displayed on a mailbox and I have to look twice to be sure it isn't a person in the road.

  7. The family, a man and his boat, what imagination and skill to create these scarecrows. They all deserve a heap of admiration and praise.

  8. Gotta luv the non-scary scarecrows.

  9. Well, Meaford certainly isn't short of creative families. It's nice to see a community come together and put forth the effort to get behind the
    Scarecrow Pirate theme and happily entertain their fellow neighbors.

  10. So cool! Maybe one year we'll ride over that way to see them.

  11. Some folks can really get into this!! I guess I have lost my enthusiam

  12. Fun to see. Our town has a pumpkin head contest.
