Tuesday, October 24, 2023

My Cemetery Adventure

The place to see fall colour here in Meaford is our local cemetery.  Full of old Sugar Maples, it's just a glorious atmosphere of orange at this time of year.  This is much more than a few photographs, for this was an adventure for me.  I had the Meaford transit drop me off there after physio, I stayed and got a LOT of pictures, and then I rode all the way home - about 40 minutes.  I've been looking forward to this adventure all summer!

There's a group of old trees right by the entrance which I remembered from a past visit.

It was hard to take in all the colour, the air seemed filled with it.

There's also a nice pond here.

I headed out through the older part of the cenetery watching for pictures that would catch my eye.
It's quite a large cemetery, subdivided with roads that are quite suitable for a wheelchair.  Always there were big trees in the distance.

The biggest of these is an old gnarled giant in the farthest back corer.  I love its lumpy bark!

The road to get into the main part of the cemetery is long and straight, lined with trees on both sides.

And every now and then I'd catch a glimpse of the distant chapel under the trees.

  The orange trees shone everywhere.


  1. Wonderful colour and I love that old tree with the lumpy bark. We're just beginning to see some autumn colour here.

  2. Old trees have that special beauty, what glorious golden colours everywhere.

  3. We both got out, but I went to the park. Our cemetery is not as good as the park although there is some colour.

  4. Wow that tree is amazing!
    That is a big cemetery! Only small ones around where I live.
    Lovely colors.

  5. I love the golden trees but also love that gnarly old tree. Thank you for the fabulous journey!

  6. The color is amazing, and the old gnarly tree is spectacular. What a lot of stories it could tell.

  7. My vote is also for the gnarly tree...just thinking of all the embalming fluid that might have seeped out of coffins and in it's direction!

  8. That tree truck is a study. The leaves are glorious! I love your adventure and thanks for sharing

  9. You found some brilliant color.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous!! You have a beautiful trail through this colours.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Your Meaford cemetery reminds me of our Bayfield cemetery but you have more Maple trees. With it''s smooth roads, peaceful quietness, serene scenery, and lack of traffic, the cemetery is an ideal place for you to find some great photos.

  13. I do see why you like to visit the area as it has amazing color. You took some great visuals.

  14. Lovely! And I do like that old giant tree.
