Friday, October 27, 2023

Finishing my Adventure

I could have done to take my big camera, but my phone is so much more easily portable, so that would have to do.  Together with the simple editing I can do as I upload the photos, I'm hoping for the best.  And this was also a test of using Meaford Transit for some purpose other than medical - though you might say this was very good for my mental health!

I thought at the time that this was the best picture I took, the four trees lined up in a row.

But as you can see, there were lots of colours all around me, from yellows to orange.

And occassionally patches of red.

Though it was the yellows that were most common.

As I left I did see a young red oak, its leaves a deep deep red.

And on the drive out there were a few American Beech.

It's interesting which pictures catch your eye, sometimes a small patch of leaves and branches, ....

And sometimes an entire tree.  I was really happy with my adventure, both the photographs and the whole successful adventure.  Who knows what comes next!


  1. What a lovely colourful adventure! The oaks and maples…perfect!

  2. 4 trees in a row, my pick for today...and that last photo with leaves of every autumn shade, glorious season for you.

  3. Most enjoyable collection of fall colors...I liked the more sedate oak leaves against the almost garish other trees!

  4. I sure have loved seeing all your beautiful trees! I like that first one the best, though. Wow!

  5. Four trees in a row is wonderful. You are having a high performance of color with you trees. Our trees are fading fast as the water was scarce this year. You have a wonderful collection of trees. My phone takes great pictures too even though I like the big one better as I feel I am having more control.

  6. So much beauty surrounds us. Spectacular colors.

  7. I do like the first photo the best - the stately trees, leaves blazing with color, lined up like the grave markers on either side is simply beautiful. But all of the colors of the trees are amazing, and I'm envious as with this snow, all of the trees around me have shed their leaves very quickly.

  8. Seeing those photos is good for my mental health on this rather dull morning, so I'm sure being outside and surrounded by autumn's glory must have had a positive effect on you. Phone cameras work amazingly well these days.

  9. Beautiful colors! Aren't cemeteries fascinating places for a stroll?

  10. What great colors! Keep on having fun.

  11. Mother Nature and mental health go hand in hand. You have lots of great colorful photos there. An Autumn adventure indeed.
