On Monday we took a drive down into the Beaver Valley, driving past our previous home to have a look, and then down Bowle's Hill. The view straight ahead was spectacular, though I certainly haven't captured it well in these photos. I think the colour was a little past its best, but still surprised us at every turn!
We've just started down Bowle's Hill in this photo, and you get a great view of the slope in front of you.Lower down the road there were some brilliant orange trees! Those are the two surge tanks for the power plant just to the south.
Turning left we drove north across the river from the Beaver Valley Ski Club where the slopes below the chalets that line the cliff are bright with oranges and yellows.
Driving south up the hill we pulled into the small lookout parking spot with this beautiful coloured maple.
This tree was the brightest red we saw - but also came with that common photographer's dilemma, a hydro wire across the middle of the picture.
Pulling out and heading back down into the valley toward Kimberley, we got a beautiful view of the entire valley, the best view in the area.