Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Garden in mid-September

The garden is certainly fading fast now.  Day lilies are over, and many of the remaining plants are dying off.  But there are still new flowers coming into bloom, and lots of yellow and pink flowers still around.

Parts of the garden actually look their best at this time of year.  The big circle of Brown-eyed Susans around our big rock looks great right now!

In the main flower garden there are still plenty of phlox, the giant Cutleaf Coneflower, and that disobedient Obedient Plant.

One small plant of glads hides behind a bar of the ornamental gate.

And just recently the mums have started to bloom.

This Persicaria, one of the Smartweeds, isn't very obvious except for its bright red flowers.

The fall Anemones start blooming now, one of our latest fall flowers.

And of course there are still some Hostas in bloom.  Different varieties bloom at different times over the entire summer.

A Bad Day

I managed to have a bad day in just 15 minutes this morning.  I had
brought the smaller patio set up beside the garage to see if our son wanted it when he
was here on the weekend.  I had leaned the glass table top against the far side
of the camper van.  Then I went out this morning, hopped in the driver's seat
and started to back up.  Do you know how many billion fragments a glass table
top breaks into when you drive over it!

I hope this was just a sign of stupidity and not early alzheimers!


  1. The September garden still has much beauty, FG.


  2. Gears engaged, memory not. Beautiful flowers.

  3. So glad you didn't have to count them!!!Beautiful autumn garden colours.

  4. Oh man, sorry about your table! I did the same sort of thing last Saturday - backed out of my driveway, wasn't paying attention, and backed my car right into the neighbor's pickup parked in the road. Of course, my car got the worst of that altercation....Guess that's why you buy insurance.

  5. Lovely rich colors! I once backed up and knocked over a 5-gallon can of paint.

  6. Yes overall the gardens are beginning to take on a harder edge look alright. The seasons are a changing. I sure understand the thought process behind stupidity and Alzheimers.

  7. Hello, the flowers are all gorgeous. I could see a few lovely bouquets around the house. So sorry about the glass table. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  8. Thanks for joining the club, "back up and hit something" the more the merrier. We also broke a glass patio table, not quite the same way, but there sure is a lot of pieces.

  9. The gardens winding down but still a few nice colours there yet.
    Some time these accidents happen, hopefully not too often.

  10. It must be hard to look at that garden and know you'll soon be leaving it behind -- but you'll also have the excitement of a new garden.

    So I'm not the only one who's smashed something in backing up -- welcome to the club.

  11. Your flowers are amazing! I love the combination of yellow and pink together and am seeing it in a lot of gardens right now. You've obviously spent many years cultivating this little paradise. I had a glass-top patio table lifted up by the umbrella and smashed down on the brick patio :( Yes, I do know how many pieces these tables can break into. We didn't go barefoot on the patio for a couple of years. I saw someone on pinterest inserted pallet boards in place of the glass and wished I had saved our table for that.

  12. Oops on the accident! Yes, it's that time now when growth has come to an end.

  13. So many beautiful blooms still around!
    Oh no about backing over the table. At least no one got hurt.

  14. you still have a lot of beautiful flowers in your garden. i am going to google black/brown eyed susans, i did not know there were 2 different susans!!

    the wind took our glass table top, i know the shards of glass it produces!!

  15. Such fine flower displays. And I suspect it was not alzheimer's that made you forget about that glass, but just forgetfulness. Sounds like a lot of work to clean up! :-)

  16. I need to plant more flowers. The bees would thank me and I would thank them for pollinating my vegetables. - Margy

  17. So glad you didn't have to count them!!!Beautiful autumn garden colours.

