Friday, July 28, 2017

Ring-billed Gulls

After our paddle to the claybanks, we paddled back past the small Christie Beach access point among some rocky islets and boulders, all decorated by Ring-billed Gulls.  Lots of evidence of higher water levels this year too.

You can clearly see why they're called Ring-billed Gulls.

But they were the most peaceful flock of gulls I recall seeing.  Usually you see them soaring overhead and screaming.  My most recent encounter was in Wiarton last month, when I was attacked while trying to eat my lunch at the waterfront!  These gulls were looking downright dozy!

You can see how much the water levels have risen, with these small two trees now drowned.  And they had about 20 dry years to grow, as the Great Lakes water levels fluctuate on a very long cycle.  The water levels have risen 80 cm., nearly 3 feet, from their historic low two years ago.

We were paddling pretty close, and the gulls did eventually move.  They flew a few yards and landed again!

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  1. Try eating your lunch and these guys will behave like their buddies.

  2. Amazing views and great shots indeed. Greetings to you!

  3. Hi: This is Bill from On Our Way, we have George and Suzie from Our Awesome Travels visiting us for a few days and were wondering if you would like to meet. Contact me at if this is possible.

  4. I so love that second shot! I don't think i have ever seen photos of them so at peace...usually you can tell they are being rowdy.

  5. That's a great deal of water in two years, Bill. The photos are beautiful!

  6. More excellent photos, I do remember the lake levels changing drastically, from the water almost right up to the road to having a wonderful huge waterfront beach.

  7. That little island with the bird tree is a great shot. Birds above, birds below. :-)

  8. Oops, I looked closer and those aren't birds after all! :-)

  9. They're quite watchful. Waiting for opportunities to mooch, perhaps.

  10. Just getting caught up with your from the last few days. Nice that you were able to get some paddling in. We have yet to go this year yet.
    Beautiful photos as always of your adventures.

  11. Your gulls come this way when they head south for the winter and then again in the spring as they head north again. They always seem to fly on the windiest days, bucking into a headwind.

  12. Judging by the amount of business they've been doing on those rocks I'd say it's their favourite spot.

  13. Ring Billed Gulls would cause a lot of excitement among birders if they turned up on this side of the pond. An odd one occasionally does show up.

  14. The ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis) is a medium-sized gull. The genus name is from Latin Larus which appears to have referred to a gull or other large ...

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