Monday, August 5, 2024


On Saturday it was Summerfest here in Meaford, so I decided to ride downtown and see what it was all about.  It was mainly all sorts of little vendor booths set up in the sun, on two blocks they has closed off.  I didn't find much of interest, but it was fun.

At the first place I stopped I found this friendly gent in his very colourful pants and scarf.  He was glad to pose for me.

I picked up some maple sugar here.  Meaford Maples is a relative newcomer to the maple syrup business in Meaford.

I passed the renovated firehall, and noted the lines of cedars planted yesterday around the outdoor patio.  (I was here Thursday and they weren't planted then).  I'm still wondering how accessible this whole place will be.

I took one look down the sidewalks of the main street, and said no, that would be impossible - lots of people and canopies set up on the sidewalk.  So I went in the back entrance to McGinty's.

But I stopped along the edge of the gravel parking area out back and got this shot of Queen Anne's Lace.  It's become harder and harder for me to get pictures of summer wildflowers in town.

As well I got this shot of Chicory.  I always think it makes a great photo.

Then on my way home I saw these Hollyhocks.  They always remind me of my early childhood, for they grew alongside the driveway at my grandparents.

Partway home I found this Rose of Sharon in full bloom.  And that was my visit to Summerfest this year.


  1. Summerfest looks like fun. Our version is Lobster festival.

  2. Looks like it was a fun outing for you. If you couldn't get down the sidewalk and the street was closed, could you have driven down the street?
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Cool looking festival...I imagine the fire trucks get out of the station in a different direction, rather than where the cedars have been planted. Or is it a retired station? Plus a good question about accessibility for you and others with wheels or other walking aids.

  4. A nice fun day out and about for you. What a great looking building the old firehall is.

  5. At least you got out and about. I was trying to figure out what that lady in your 4th picture is doing? Is it just my eyes but it looks like she is leaning on the post. LOL Sorry, just looked odd. :)
    Hollyhocks remind me of my youth too, you got some nice flower photos all the same. Maple syrup, yum, had some of ours tonight.

  6. F.G.,

    D'yuh make anythin' of yer colorful gent wearin' his ring on his right?

    He appears to be holdin' it up like a shield...perhaps to let it been known he's spoken for?

  7. My grandmother always grew Hollyhocks too.

  8. Love the guy in photo #1 and the firehall too. Not yet accessible, though.

  9. Seems like a nice event to showcase the local products. Enjoy the maple syrup.
    I've always enjoyed hollyhocks, but the old house didn't get enough sun. Here we've got a few and while they've had a few blooms, they aren't doing particularly well. I do hope they come back next spring.

  10. Quite an out fit on the fellow in your first photo; I assume you're not going to visit his tailor. Or am I wrong? As hard as their lives must be, there seem to always be volunteer plants in urban spaces.

  11. That fire hall is impressive with the red door. McGinty's sounds like the name of a local 'watering' hole!!??

  12. Coincidentally, Hollyhocks remind me of my childhood as well. We had Hollyhocks in our backyard and I remember them well. I wished we had enough sunlight to grow Hollyhocks here. We tried years ago but they just couldn't get enough Sun.

  13. The flowers look great, and so does the guy in the colorful outfit,
