Tuesday, August 20, 2024

It's Fall in the Garden

Time to go back to the garden I think.  We're definitely into the fall group of flowers, a group that takes over the beginning of August I think - far too early!  It always seems a little sad to me, with the Day Lilies, Lavender, Crocosmia and Hostas all finished blooming.  We're coming to the final flowers of the summer. 

A lot of them are Echinacea, mostly the original pink variety which has spread so easily in our garden.

But someplace we picked up red and white ones, as well as a few others.

Cosmos are probably the other most common bloom at the moment.  They spread easily and range in colour from white to bright pink.

This must be about the last of the Day Lilies, a very pretty variety.

And this is the lonely single bloom of Cleome.  One of my personal favourites, I'm simply fascinated with the structure of the flower.


  1. you have to love those self spreading flowers that bloom so profusely. i love daylilies but mine are looking very sad right now. yours is a brilliant color, i wish the flowers lasted more than one day!!

  2. I love the cone flowers and they last pretty long too.

  3. It is sad to see the passing of the blooms in succession, knowing what lies ahead, How fortunate we are to experience it though.

  4. I love the fall flowers as much as the more showy early summer ones. Nice pictures!

  5. Yes, it is a kind of sadness to see that summer's blooms are already behind us for another year. Time seems to be moving so swiftly these days.

  6. We're behind you, as the day lilies continue to bloom. There are no true fall flowers in this yard (something I may have to rectify) but one of the gardens in the park is packed with cosmos.

  7. Yours is the one blog, or maybe one of two, that I cannot communicate with on the tablet. I usually remember to get back to it on my computer. Our daylilies are long since done, and the pink echinacea are fading fast.

  8. I love Cleome too, your flowers are all lovely!

  9. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.
