Friday, August 23, 2024

More Early Fall Flowers

The garden is looking like a jungle, and all of Mrs. F.G.'s tomatoes, peppers and cukes have been growing like mad.  There is just so much foliage now, and the harvest, especially of tomatoes, is outstanding.  Of course some varieties are better than others, but the best will be chosen and grown again next year.  The three towers have added a vertical dimension to the garden that was never there before.

Nasturtiums have been dominating one of the towers for some time.

The Verbena has spread very well this year; we have lots of it.

One of my favourites is the Fall Anemone, a light pink flower that will go on blooming well into the fall months.  The buds are almost as pretty as the flowers.

A close look shows a very pretty flower, even if one bloom is hiding behind a stem of Verbena.

This is a new one for us, Painted Tongue, but it's adding a variety of colours.

Finally I discovered out front just the other day, a new Morning Glory is blooming out front, having climbed the tall obelisk.  I love the contrast of the blue colour.



  1. We are having a hard time keeping up with the tomatoes and like you said, some are better than others.

  2. Gorgeous flowers! I especially like the painted tongue, so different.

  3. Your pictures continue to be stunning. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  4. Impressive. We had strict water conservation measures this Summer and my garden suffered. The shrubs did okay and I did water the containers, but we were told not to run the hose.

  5. Your garden sounds like it's thriving with a lush, vibrant display! The growth of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers must be quite a sight, and it's wonderful that you’re seeing such a fruitful harvest. The vertical dimension added by the towers and the dominance of nasturtiums add a lovely touch to the space. The Verbena and Fall Anemone look stunning, with their extended blooming season adding beauty well into the fall. The Painted Tongue and Morning Glory bring delightful new colors and variety to your garden. Thanks for sharing these beautiful updates!

    Read my new blog post: Thank you.

  6. Painted Tongue? New to me also! That last photo is sure a keeper. Just beautiful.

  7. I wished we had enough Sun here under the pine trees to grow Morning Glories. They were a favorite of mine growing up our front veranda when I was a kid.
