Thursday, August 8, 2024

Around the Neighborhood

 I've shown you things of interest around the neighbourhood before, so I've tried to be selective this time and not repeat things here (for the most part).  Still, there always seem to be new plants here and there.

A house around a few blocks converted their ditch to a pollinator garden.  At first I wondered how it would work but it appears to have been very successful.

I think they had so many questions that they put up this sign.

Here it is.  You can't pick out the yellow very easily in this photo, but the whole length of this is currently a riot of colour.

There are very few places where I can find summer wildflowers anymore; the urge to 'clean-up' the ditches is just too strong.  The Goldenrod above is along a driveway, 50 feet away, and the Sow Thistle (lower photo) I in a short stretch of ditch that was mowed awhile back.

I was surprised to find this Cup Plant in front of a house down the street.  It's the prairie plant that gathers moisture in the hollow of its leaves.  It isn't often planted outside a house.

The same house has this interesting vine cascading down from a tall pot.  I find it just fascinating.


  1. So glad to see the ditch allowed to grow wild, and help pollinators. A lot of homes decide to leave areas by the road thus, and put up signs saying, "don't mow."

  2. Love those last two pictures!!

  3. That cascading vine plant looks similar to one I have. Can't remember the name.

  4. I photographed some goldenrod yesterday. The succession of wildflowers is one of the many things I love about summer.

  5. I've learned something new, as I've not heard of the cup plant before. It's not something I've seen in the garden centers. I really like the color and the height and it would look spectacular against the fence. I must make note of this for next year.
    I believe the trailing plant is a creeping jenny. They come in colours ranging from a yellow as seen in the photo to a dark green.

  6. I like the idea of a pollinator garden. Maintenance free methinks.

  7. I was on my tablet yesterday, but I can't comment to you from there. I just wanted to sat that it seems like our town is no longer mowing the whole verge but just the strip along the edge of the road. Progress.

  8. Lovely, colourful photos. We have fields of golden rod along the clearing's edges, taller and more verdant this year with all the rain. The GR is full of buzzers. Love the Cup plant. It is reminiscent of what we used to call "Backhouse plants", as in days past, folks planted them around the facilities out back.

  9. Power equipment makes it all too easy for the neatnicks to cut every plant other than lawn grass.
