Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Down the Road Through the Swamp

We were searching for the sunflower field, but we're a little late and it was closed.  So we went exploring, and after driving over to Sauble Beach, we found our way back through Hepworth to Shallow Lake.  We turned left there, and headed down through the swamp, just for fun.

Can you see the distant swan in this picture?

Did you note the second big bird, a Great Blue Heron I think.  (The swan is too obvious to miss!)

Past the swamp, we turned down the back road we always take to eventually come out at  Copper Kettle, and found the adjoining fields planted in a crop of oats, an uncommon crop nowadays.

The road closes in on you briefly as you go over a small rise - probably bedrock at the surface, so it was never cleared.

Over the rise and our way was totally blocked by a big grain truck and a large tractor pulling a grain cart.

It's amazing how the grain spews out through the grain cart's auger, filling the truck quickly.

So we sat there in the shade of some big maples and waited.  It's a big grain field they're harvesting.

We could see the combine working away, far to the south.

Soon the farmer pulled the tractor and grain cart off into the field; we waved and were on our way.


  1. That was a lovely trip! Sunflowers or not!

  2. I enjoyed it too. The field is surprisingly very pretty.

  3. Farm equipment has certainly grown larger than when we were boys. I remember reading "Farm Journal" when I was 12 or 13 and thinking I wanted to be a farmer -- fortunately that was a passing ambition.

  4. Oddly enough, we also searched for sunflowers. I guess we were too late because they looked very very sad.

  5. Yah, that looks like the grain truck that wasted a half hour of my time on the highway today. It was huge and slow at rush hour.
    The swan and heron is a nice sighting.

  6. Beautiful! You have nudged a memory. Working my way around Australia, long ago, I had the privilege of riding around a paddock in a big combine-harvester, and seeing the beautiful grain pour down into it's bin through the glass panel behind the operator's seats, as we circled the field. Just happened, I had the farmer's toddler on my lap, and he fell asleep...Lovely memory.

  7. I had to get my handy magnifying glass out to aid these aging old eyes of mine to find the swan in the first photo and I think I might have spotted it to the right. But then again with my eyes playing tricks on me, I might have spotted the periscope of an old swamp Submarine.

  8. Nice day for a drive! The fields stripped of the grain reminds me fall is well on its way.

  9. Nice outing you had. I did see the swan and the heron too. :)

  10. Great pictures from your outing.

    All the best Jan

  11. Harvesting is well underway here too. Fall is in the air.
