Sunday, August 25, 2024

Around the Neighbourhood

There are lots of interesting flowers beyond our little garden of course.  Here are some of the ones that have struck me during the various rides I've taken recently.

This is an enormous deep pink Hibiscus on a neighbour's front lawn. The bush has not only survived but flourished!

The individual blooms really are the size of a dinner plate.

Another neighbour has a light blue 

These are huge bright red Zinnias, grown from seed by Mrs. F.G. and bigger than any she saved for our garden!

Another neighbour's lawn features this enormous ornamental grass.

And another this large Hydrangea, nicely blocking the view in her front window.

In a more distant corner of town I know a spot where pink Sweet Pea trail through other greenery, eight along the edge of the road.

This is a big Sugar Maple I'm a little worried about.  It appears healthy all summer long, but then starts turning colour in early August.  This picture was taken a few days ago; it's been turning much more orange already.

And this stump has always been a favourite, but sadly it's beginning to show serious signs of decay.  I won't be surprised to see it removed in the next few years.


  1. That poor carving!
    I love the tree hydrangea, they are so pretty.
    The dinner plate hibiscus are amazing. I ordered 12 one year, as the woman selling them was trying to get rid of them. I only have a couple of white ones left. I'm so sad!

  2. Our neighbours’ maple is looking like mid autumn already. It is sad to see. Love that carving and those huge blooms!

  3. Everything is so pretty. Must be beautiful all over your neighborhood.

  4. Things are really big this summer! your daily treks must be so enjoyable. Sad about the carving.

  5. I hope the carved stump gets safely removed and saved. Those blooms at the beginning are fabulous.

  6. Some gorgeous blooms! There is a branch on one of our sugar maples out front, that always turns first, and it is doing so now.

  7. Wow, the weather, both heat and moisture have clearly been good for the various flowering plants this year. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Lots of impressive stuff. The 'tree' hydrangea stands out for me.

  9. Flowery neighborhoods are always a fav.
