Monday, July 29, 2024

More from the Garden

We do have other flowers besides daylilies!  In fact we have LOTS of other flowers, from the Lavender to Mexican Sunflowers.  I may have to consult with the head gardener about names, but here is the first batch.

The Lavender has been growing luxuriously and blooming beautifully, though it's finished now  We have six big clumps out back and two more out front.

There are also dozens of Hosta flowers, which the bees love.

Meanwhile the Mullein we allowed to grow has risen up well past the roofline of the shed now.

This is Verbena, a plant with tiny purple flowers, but it spreads well and blooms for a long time.

We have one Butterfly Bush, a gorgeous deep pink colour, but it's a long distance from where I have to take a picture.

Out front are the Mexican Sunflowers, and the Bumblebees keep visiting!

There's also a blue Agapanthus in a pot (it won't survive the winter here outside), and a red Zinnia.

Sadly, the small purple 'shrub' Clematis is not doing well, with fewer, smaller blossoms each year.

And inside the house, a bouquet of Sunflowers, from Goldsmiths Farm Market.


  1. This summer has given us a magnificent growing season.

  2. very pretty flowers, i know the mrs. is quite the gardner. check your phone, if it is an iphone, all the way at the bottom, a little more toward the right, there is an "i" with a circle around it. if you tap on that it will identify the flower and a lot of other a picture of an animal!!

  3. What a nice collection of colorful flowers! And to end it all, a bouquet of sunflowers! Just the cat's meow!

  4. Summer in Canada is such a colorful season for the senses. It is what I miss most when we are in the dregs of winter, when the snow turns to gray and only the evergreens provide much color.
    Thanks for sharing the photos!

  5. I like seeing them all, but I enjoyed the purple plants. And how did the Mullein get that tall?

  6. Congratulations to the Head Gardner for all the beautiful flowers in the Hilts' garden, very impressive. No hosta flowers for us the year, the deer have eaten all the flower spikes and almost all of the leaves on our hostas.

  7. The sunflower is a powerful statement of color. You have some great flowers. My zinnias are just now starting to bloom.

  8. Love the smell of lavender. I have a couple of small plants. Mullein are growing all over the place around here!! All the flowers are beautiful.

  9. A lovely array of beautiful colour flowers.

    All the best Jan

  10. Mrs FG has done a fine job in your garden. Love the sunflowers inside too.

  11. Your garden is gorgeous. We can almost smell the lavender!

  12. wow, you have a lot of gorgeous flowers! I saw you on the "Life Is Good" blog and thought I would come and visit. Since I love Gnomes and have many.

  13. Flowers flowers everywhere makes for mighty fine garden fare. Colors in the Sun and colors in the shade makes me hope they never fade. But fade they will by Winter time and that brings me to the end of this rhyme:))

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  15. You are having a great season, as assistant gardener. :-)
