Monday, July 22, 2024

Back to the Garden

Before I bother you with some dry pictures of Meaford's historic buildings, (it is our sesquicentennial this year after all), I thought you'd enjoy a few colourful pictures from our garden.  Here they are.

When I sit in the living room and look out the window, this is my view of the garden.  Several different Daylilies and a pink Echinacea.

The details of the view change every day, but it's always bright and colourful.  The bright orange ones are 'Saugeen Sunrise'.

There is bright red Crocosmia at the bottom, the Echinacea as you move up, then the orange Daylilies and then the pale yellow ones.

I wish I knew the name of the big yellow ones with the crinkly edges, but I don't.

Daylily varieties are separated by characteristics like how wide the petals are, how smooth or crinkly the edge is, and of course by their colour - here yellow with a reddish-brown edge, and an almost green centre.

Some people like the flowers all separated clearly, but Mrs. F.G. excels at mixing them all together.  Remember, it is a 'chaos garden'.  Doesn't this look like chaos?

As the days have gone by the pink Echinacea have become more and more dominant.

And one day, fluttering on those flowers I spotted an American Painted Lady butterfly.


  1. The Day Lily?? Is it Ming Porcelain? Not chaos at all, a riot of glorious colour. I have one lonely day lily in flower, too pitiful to even take a photo, several bearded iris so out of season, dozens of snowdrops, reminding me of the row my Mum had at the farm where I was a child.But some other bulbs are almost in flower, showing that spring must be arriving soon.

    1. Not Ming Porcelain, I did a Google search and found a photo that was how I remembered it from some 30 years ago!! Memory fail for sure.

  2. Wow how colorful! You must be rather proud of Mrs. F.G. for creating such a wonderful display.

  3. Beautiful. I think we Canadians may be a little starved for colour after a long winter! I have just found a clump of Pearly Everlasting on the property...a host plant for Painted Lady larvae, so will be keeping an eye on it.

  4. Glorious blooms! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Wonderful colors to brighten the day and one's spirits.

  6. So nice and colorful - every thing looks beautiful.

  7. Beautiful! that butterfly's wings almost look translucent in that picture. Great shot!

  8. A riot of colour! The flowers are all special in their own way as is the butterfly.

  9. Mrs FG would feel right at home in my chaotic flower gardens!!

  10. I like the chaos garden idea best. Your flower gardens and groups are like living floral arrangements. Color color everywhere. Love it.

  11. That is quite a view of some great colors. You inspire me to buy new varieties.
