Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Day Lilies have Exploded!

As I told you, once they start, the Day Lilies bloom a LOT!  As the name suggests, Day Lilies bloom for a day and then wilt, so you need to pick off yesterday's faded blooms to enjoy today's.  It makes for a great morning, going out to see what blooms have opened today!  Each stem develops a lot of buds, so can go on blooming for quite awhile.

This variety is known as Saugeen Sunrise; we bought it directly from the breeders a short distance from our former home.

Hope you enjoyed these; there will be more ion the weeks to come!


  1. Such gorgeous blooms. I love that second photo!

  2. Ours have also exploded, but out whole row is made up of similar yellow-orange blooms. Although there are 3 different types, they are similar. I don't think we planned it very well.

  3. Such a variety of shades, glorious.

  4. They are such courageous plants. They line the highway into town.

  5. You have such a great variety of lilies. You have collected some great ones. I agree the colors are so wonderful.

  6. They are beautiful. I only have Tiger Lilies and they just seem to bloom forever!

  7. And ours are over now...just the ghostly stalks still rising above the bed of leaves.

  8. A feast for the eyes! Beautiful.

  9. They are beautiful! I especially like the purple'ish ones. Ours are putting out buds, but not yet blooming. I'm excited to see what colors they will be.

  10. Nice to see all the different kinds of Lilies. We've got orange ones and that is about it.

  11. you have some really beautiful plants with very bold, colorful blooms!! i have a love/hate relationship with my daylilies. they are so beautiful when in bloom but afterward they are so difficult to clean up and manage!!
