Saturday, July 20, 2024

Crops and Cattle

On the way to Owen Sound to see the tall ship I started noticing the crops.  By mid-summer they should all be growing well, while hay and perhaps some wheat might be already harvested.  It would be a time when farmers would look out and pray for good weather over the next few months!

We both watch for the canola fields, they are such a bright yellow.

This appeared to me to be a large field of hay that has already been harvested.

A good-looking field of corn, probably waist-high already.

I think this is a field of wheat, but somewhat damaged by lodging.

And this is a field of soybeans.

Before we actually left Owen Sound we passed this busy field of cattle - there actually were houses right across the road from this pasture.  The mature ones all just continued grazing, but the calves all turned and then headed over to have a close look at us.   Calves are always curious!


  1. It'll soon be time to cut the barley here - much earlier than it ever was when I used to help out in my school holidays all those years ago.

  2. Those fields do look luxurious. And those cow pictures are also quite fun!

  3. So nice to see all the different fields. Love the cattle photos.

  4. Nice views of the fields and lovely pictures of the calves.

    All the best Jan

  5. The last two pictures of the cattle have an ethereal quality about them...beautiful.

  6. Try singing to the cattle, FG. You’ll get the attention of the adults too.

  7. The farmers have been haying here already too. It's very early for this part of the country. Perhaps they'll get a second cut.
    The calves are cute - love the photo of them running across the field.

  8. Those calves are so lovable. Even big mammal babies please the eye.

  9. I have found that too. It's the young animals that come to the fence to say hello.
