Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Drive Through the Swamp

A week or two ago we went for a drive, to one of our favourite destinations, the swamp north of Shallow Lake.  We were watching for birds, but there was nothing to get very excited about, however, there were thousands of white /water Lilies.  So Mrs. F.G. drove slowly along, puling over frequently, while I pointed my phone out the window.

A good chunk of what we call 'the swamp' is really more of a marsh, with reeds and open water.  In a few weeks there may well be an Egret or Swan in this area.

A little further along the open water disappears, replaced by thousands of lily pads.

This is the White Water-lily, with thick waxy leaves that float and flowers that are open for three-four days.  On the fourth day the stem 'corkscrews', pulling the flower underwater until seed matures.  White water-lily are a main source in the diet of both muskrat and moose.

There are lots of other plants you'd expect in the marsh, like these Bulrushes.

Along the roadside were lots of Milkweed.

And the first Chicory I've seen this year.

We left the swamp behind and drove down the narrow rural road as we headed for home, with plentiful berry crops ripening along the way, including these wild grapes.

A nice view of an old barn across the fields.


  1. Lovely pics. Love those aromatic lilies. Is there a prettier blue than that of chicory? I keep checking my milkweeds, looking for Monarch worms, but none so far.

  2. These were all wonderful pictures. I enjoyed the water lilies the most and the information about who loves to eat them. A beautiful place indeed. Thank you!

  3. Haven’t seen chicory yet this year. Love the water lilies. There are a few places here we see them; a treat!

  4. Wow that is a lot of water lilies.
    When we were kids were called your bull rushes, punks or cattails.

  5. There are always so many interesting things to see in swampy areas and water lilies are one of my favs too.

  6. A nice swamp with white lily pads.
    Local folk here call our pond swamp but it is not nice at all

  7. Nice to get out for a drive and see what Mother Nature has to show us. I need to find some back roads around here to explore. Thanks for sharing!

  8. We are seeing chicory around here now too. Love all the water lilies. C

  9. My faves are the closer-ups of the waterlilies and the reeds.

  10. I enjoyed your photographs.

    The water lily is a July birth flower :)

    All the best Jan

  11. The Water Lilies are so beautiful.
