Thursday, July 11, 2024


We have two quite large Clematis, one dominantly white and one purple, one growing against the side of the house and one against the shed.  They are in full glorious bloom right now.   There are another six, all smaller, but only one of them is in bloom just now, the one with tiny white flowers.

This is one I can't get to see, because it is around the side of the house where I can't get to in my heavy wheelchair.  There used to be two separate plants, both at least 6 feet high, but the little destructive rabbit nibbled one off at the base.  He didn't eat any of the plant, just snipped through the stem at the bottom, killing the whole plant.  But this one is beautiful!  

The big white one is against the side of the shed.  It's huge, with a lot of blossoms.

My memory may be wrong (it often is), but I thought we had a lot more purple blooms in with the white.  The white blooming plant seems to have almost overwhelmed the purple one

And here's the other white clematis that's currently in bloom, with very tiny flowers, but lots of them.  Of the others we have, three have already bloomed, and two remain to bloom.



  1. I like clematis plants, but we don't have any now.

  2. A lovely combination of the white Clematis and the pink one peeking through!!

  3. You are giving me the itch to try growing clematis. Yours are all magnificent.

  4. gorgeous!!! i love these plants and they are often my favorite colors!! thanks to the mrs.!!

  5. Very pretty! I had a Jackmani clematis (purple) at a house I owned in the city. It did extremely well in the shade. I may have to consider removing some rock and growing a sun loving variety against the shed. Your plants are simply gorgeous!

  6. They are all absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. Oh my what delightful clematis--great photos too--enjoy-

  8. Beautiful Plants, but it might be necessary to wrap Chicken Wire around the bases, to protect the plants.
    We lost a Burning Bush to rabbits. It can be expensive.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  9. Beautiful! A house about 1/2 mile from us has the small white oe growing ona long split rail fence, what a pleasure to see it flowering.

  10. We had 2 huge clematis at our previous home, the earlier owner had made a huge wire netting frame that went across the lawn area, and it sagged under the weight. They were so prolific when in flower.The white small flowers are like thousands of stars, so beautiful.

  11. These are so very pretty...and I may be wrong, but don't they have a nice scent too?
