Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hints of flowers to Come!

Looking out my window I can see several different early spring flowers beginning to come into bloom.  They're more than just green shoots now, which is encouraging and gives hints of the colour to come - though the immediate forecast is for snow!!  However, as I look ahead it's encouraging, temperatures starting to rise on Saturday and sunshine beginning to break through.

The early April garden, often damp from overnight rains like this.  We leave the leaf litter as much as we can to shelter the bugs until warmer temperatures arise.  I think our snowstick has switched its role to be a garden ornament for the next few months.

A terrible picture, but one Primrose has broken out in blossoms earlier than all the rest.

Only one other Primrose blossom can I find, a single blue flower.

But we have at least a dozen other Primrose looking bright and green.  I guess they are waiting for those warm temperatures.

We do still have those Hellebore or Lenten Rose in bloom.  These have survived under a blanket of snow for a few days and shown no ill effects.

There are also several clusters of Crocus, new for us this year, that promise bits of brighter colour.  The world in te garden is suddenly changing.


  1. These early flowers just are so delicate and beautiful!

  2. That is encouraging to see. It is a miserable rainy day here.

  3. Mid-afternoon and the rain is pelting against the window. They say it will change to snow and a lot of it. We shall see. We have tulips poking through, but we don't have crocuses or daffs any more. The tulips, however, have persisted.

  4. We're clouding over now, but the temperature is lovely at 13C at mid-day. It will be some time, however before I see any pops of green in our yard.
    It always amazes me how the perennials survive the miserable cold weather and bloom again each year. Hopefully you don't get a lot of snow and it melts away quickly.

  5. So lovely to see the blooms bursting forth again!

  6. Starting to look like spring around you now.

  7. Pretty blooms. I think Primroses don't survive our winters due to all the rain. Rarely will one come back in spring. Yours are looking very healthy.

  8. I think all the flowers, just like we humans, are waiting for those sunny warm temperatures so that we all can blossom forth in Spring's gaiety.

  9. It's almost worth having winter, just to see the various signs of spring.

  10. It's beginning to look like spring in your neck of the woods! Nice primrose picture, I think.

  11. I am sure I left an earlier comment here ... did it go into spam folder?
    I think the crocus are a lovely colour.

    All the best Jan
