Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hardening Off Begins

Mrs. F.G. has gone overboard again and planted lots of seeds for tomatoes and peppers.  But I think she's run out of space in the basement, so she's been bringing plants, especially the tomatoes, up to sit in the sun at the front of the garage.  Hardening off season has begun, but April is not co-operating, staying cold and windy.

I counted roughly 100 little tomato plants sunning on the driveway the other day.  We've been watching night-time temperatures carefully, though they can easily be lifted into the garage, which holds heat well.

This is a  new type of planter, a tower, which rotates easily, and they stack.  I'll be very interested to see how it works - the things you do to grow veggies in a very small garden.

I must admit this is one plant I do not recognize.

But then what happened the night before last, the temperature dropped below freezing.  That morning there were not only a few flakes in the air, there was snow on the ground.

But 6 hours later and it's sunny and just above freezing.  All the plants have bounced right back.


  1. Our Thursday Night temps will set just above the freezing tonight. Might wait a few more days.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. We've only one night below freezing in our 14 day forecast - I'll believe it when I see it, as weather at this time of year can be so fickle. As you well know.
    I'm not sure what the green shoots are that in the photo on my blog. I, too, believe they are irises, but this yard and it's perennials are new to me. I'll need to wait until they've reached a good height, and perferably flowered to know for certain.

  3. Close to freezing here the last two night and again tonight, but no frost. Our apple tree is in flower but it will soon report to the log pile since only a few branches are still alive.

  4. I wished I liked vegetables more. I don't mind lettuce and tomatoes if they are in a toasted BLT. (Bacon-Lettuce-Tomato-sandwich)_Kelly tried growing tomatoes here but we have too much shade from the pine trees. It looks like you have enough veggies there to feed your whole street. I wish French Fries were vegetables.

  5. I don't get into planting too much since Bill doesn't eat many. Without a basement to start then in, my tomatoes and peppers will be late.

  6. Better weather is beginning. At least the app says so.

  7. It is sunny and cold here this week. All the winter gear to back on again!

    You’ll have veggies if it is at all possible!

  8. What a lot of seedlings Mrs FG has to cope with. Such a lot of work but no doubt she enjoys it. But what will she do with all those tomatoes if they all grow and produce!!!

  9. Oh my Mrs FG is going to be very busy!
