Friday, July 28, 2023


We had a really good rain the other night, and we needed it.  This time the weather got the timing just right and the rain was all overnight.  Made a big difference for the Head Gardener!

There are only a few leaves that hold the raindrops until I see them the next day, and Crocosmia is one.  I love the way the sharp veins on the leaves capture water droplets and hold onto them.

I have to say that the cell phone doesn't capture these as sharply as my big Nikon would, but I like them so much I'm posting them anyway.

We've got through our big transition to a new evening caregiver during the week, my new physiotherapist (who had all kinds of new exercises for me to try this week), and a new cleaner, who did a phenomenal job yesterday.  The house looks like new!


  1. Love how the water beads naturally on the leaves!

  2. I'm glad that everything is working out well. Love the shots - they look great to me!

  3. You phone does fine IMO. And it is so handy. Tornado watch here this evening, but it has passed. Main line of storms was just a bit to the north.

  4. Great focus on those drops, we had lots of lupins at our ot her home and the drops stayed there for some time . New carers and more, that's grand news.

  5. I always admire raindrops on Lady's Mantle but I never thought of checking the crocosmia. Next time it rains I will make a point of it.

  6. Excellent getting new help in. I weeded a half hour and had to stop. These are lovely photos!

  7. I think your phone does just fine. And I love to see those pretty raindrops!

  8. I love those photos. Lots of nature photographers carry a water-spray to add that effect to their photos - I've never resorted to this tactic, yet!

  9. I think the photos are lovely!

  10. Beautiful pictures.
    It seems you very happy with the new home visitors and that's great!

  11. glad to hear you have the help you folks need, hopefully they're pleasant and do what you need. After dry weather in June and early July we've finally had quite a bit of rain -- at long last.
