Thursday, July 20, 2023

It Was Bumbleberry Jam Day!

Raspberries are now in season here, so it was time to make another batch of jam, this one bumbleberry jam.  We picked up a flat of fresh berries, just picked that morning, at Goldsmiths on Monday.  We now buy all our berries at Goldsmiths, we can count on the quality.

On Tuesday Mrs. F.G. got organized and pulled strawberries and blueberries out of the freezer.  Together they went, in various proportions, and out they came as delicious jam.

The legend of bumbleberries is quite memorable, for 'bumbleberries' are either burple or binkle berries, and they both grow on giggle bushes.  Legend has it that they let out a little giggle at the precise moment of ripening - thus bumbleberry jam.  For the literally-minded, any combination of at least three different berries will do.  Some even go so far as calling it 'kitchen sink jam'.

Of course it's not just the taste that makes a great jam, it's also the texture.  And let me tell you, Mrs. F.G. gets the texture just right every time.  It must be easily spreadable, but still pleasantly thick.  If you're passing by, just stop in for a taste of our bumbleberry jam, and if I'm very lucky, she will add black currants once they ripen, and we'll have four-berry bumbleberry jam!


  1. The jam sure sounds delicious! I love the burple and binkle berries on the giggle bushes! I have to pick some of those.

  2. I'll watch out for those giggle bushes, most of ours are armed with sharp thorns and snarl rather than giggle. The jam sounds delicious.

  3. Funny, I went to Google, and they had NO reference to either burple or binkle, all that was offered was "purple" and " tinkle" so I am SO interested to know what the Giggle bush can add. By the way, your jam looks delicious!!!!!

  4. I am impressed and almost salivating.

  5. You certainly have a winner with Mrs FG!

  6. Love the color of the jam, and can just about imagine how wonderful it tastes!

  7. Getting the taste and texture of jam is a challenge. The jam that Mrs FG made looks wonderful!!

  8. Sounds delicious and you probably giggle when you taste it. Our daughter and granddaughter picked 88 pounds of blueberries last week -- some to eat fresh, some in pies, but most for preserves or into the freezer, fate to be decided later. I was under strict orders to limit my picking and so only got ten pounds of blueberries since we still have eight quarts in the freezer.

  9. Bumbleberry jam, looks and sounds delicious.

    All the best Jan

  10. Wow, your winter is going to taste really good.

  11. Sounds like a good jam. I thought about making jam with strawberries and marionberries. I know there is a mixture of 2 that can be done. I need to get it figured out and use ones that are in the freezer soon. It's been a few years since I have made jam. Looks your wife makes delicious jam.
