Friday, July 14, 2023


Another five Clematis have bloomed now, bringing us to the peak of the Clematis season.  They are certainly one of our most striking plants, especially those growing up against the side of the house or the shed.  But in fact it's these delicate little blooms that I like best, here growing up a trellis in front of the Sugar Maple.  

This is Virgin's Bower, a native Clematis plant with tiny flowers, unlike all the hybrids available.  And I think it's just beautiful!

The blooms are certainly tiny and delicate.

Out front we have a 'shrub' Clematis, growing in an old copper water pan.  It's planted with a trellis now and showing every sign of forming vines.

It is the one bloom I can get close to.

Growing down the side of the house we have two enormous Clematis, one purple and one white.

Three years ago the rabbits earned their bad reputation on this plant, biting off the vine 2" from the bottom, and leaving the entire plant to die but not actually eating anything!

The big plant, actually two plants growing up the same big trellis, is this one, on the side of the shed.

I can't actually get down the side of the house on the grass, so credits to Mrs. F.G. for the last five pictures.


  1. Clemati (?) are beautiful. At least yours are.

  2. They look fabulous, great pictures.

    All the best Jan

  3. The close up and the white flowers, my picks today, but they are all so beautiful.Signs of spring for sure.

  4. Wonderful pictures of a beautiful flower, in all its iterations.

  5. You are so fortunate to be able to grow Clematis so prolifically. I think lack of sunlight under the pine trees here is our problem when it comes to Clematis. We have never had luck growing it.

  6. What a wonderful variety of clematis you have. They are all so beautiful!

  7. Amazing!! What do you feed those Clematis anyway??

  8. Absolutely beautiful -- thank you Mrs. F.G.

  9. It is a wonderful collection. They love your plant zone and do so well. I just watered my meager on white clematis that was barely hanging on in the drought. Three blooms are the most I have this year.

  10. THey are all so beautiful and boutiful! (where have I heard that before?) You didn't mention the scent. Do they not have one?

  11. I had that first one years ago and if I remember it had the most lovely smell.

  12. Oh, the sweet aroma of Virgin's bower!

  13. Beautiful! I have not had luck with Clematis at all except for the Native one and it also re seeds readily:)
