Saturday, March 30, 2024

Waiting for Spring!

Having given us a foretaste of warm weather earlier, spring is now taking its time getting here!  I've been out riding several times earlier this spring, even back in early February, but the temperature is still hovering around the freezing point and won't be consistently up to even 10°C until a week tomorrow.  I may have to bundle up extra warm and get out a little anyway.  

I was hoping that all the bright green leaves of Daffodils, Hyacinths, and Primrose that appeared three weeks ago would start giving me photos to post, but except for the beautiful Dwarf Iris, all those spring flowers have the ability to just wait, so I guess I'll have to wait as well.

In the meantime, there's the fine clay dust problem.  The grit they spread on the roads here includes a background of fine clay dust that does not get picked up by the street sweeper.  It doesn't come off when I brush my tires either.  The result is tracks across the floors, which are dark hardwood.  It means I have to drive 10 or 20 loops on the driveway, leaving my tracks there before I come in.  We need a good heavy rain!

For now, it's still going down well below freezing overnight, as evidenced by the frost on the rooftops across the street.  No snow left anywhere, but we still get morning frost.  Sorry I haven't posted for ages - it's been a busy week!


  1. I can just imagine you doing your circuits to clean the wheels...such a bother! Maybe you could invent a special welcome mat that would clean wheels as well as toes before entering your house. Sorry your spring is taking so long. It may be on a better schedule than ours which burst forth very early, and apple orchard farmers worried that frost would take their blossoms. But I learned that cherry trees bloom a bit ahead of apples and peaches (which are crops around here.)

  2. I'm giggling at the thought of you doing doughnuts on the driveway!
    We had another 3 inches of snow this weekend, and it is well below freezing today. But, the forecast is for rising temperatures all week, with a high expected on Wednesday of 20C. I suspect all the snow will be gone by then.

  3. All the little flower buds are just sitting and waiting for the temps to go up again. I have finally seen some Crocuses.

  4. We had a friend in a wheelchair, he had an outside one, as they had sheep and several acres, and a clean indoor one.Now they have left the farm, maybe one will do,I am thinking son-in-law might have to do circles the same as you, grit on hardwood or tiled floors is not good.

  5. Spring is being a real tease again. Although the thermometer said 6C this morning there was frost on the vehicles and roofs too. Let's hope that with a new calendar page the weather will improve.

  6. Forgot to wish you and Mrs FG a Happy Easter.

  7. Those early tastes of spring do tend to spoil us a bit. Right now, it looks bright and cheery out, but it is really windy and cold.

  8. Spring comes and goes at this time. :) Happy Easter

  9. Today I found hepatica in bloom, the first wildflower (except for coltsfoot) in bloom -- many more to come.

  10. Yes, after royally teasing us earlier, Spring is holding back now making all of us chomp at the bit. Spring is laughingly having its way with our patience. I guess the longer it makes us wait the better we are all going to feel when it finally gets here good and proper.

  11. Spring is taking a long to to get here too. High of zero today. Not good.

  12. I can see it now.
    Mrs. FG at the door:"you are not coming in until you wipe your wheels!"

  13. We have had glimpses of spring too. Such are March and April in Canada. Happy Easter!

  14. That dwarf iris is lovely.

    Happy Easter Wishes to you and Mrs FG.

    All the best Jan
