Monday, April 17, 2023

The Early Garden

The garden has just exploded with new green shoots emerging from the ground, and a few of them are in bloom already.  Mrs. F.G. planted quite a few small Primrose outside the window to amuse me, but I also got out onto the patio a couple of times, it was so sunny and warm.  In fact it got actually hot for a few days, summer in April!

There are a number of both white and purple Primrose, adding a spot of colour to spring.

There's a pretty hellebore, though its blooms hang down so are hard to photograph.

We have a couple of patches of Scilla or Squill as they are called.  I've seen huge patches of these in a couple of lawns on the way downtown.
And there's a nice big clump of the Dwarf Iris.  I showed you the plants out front where they get full sun, but these are in shade and so bloom a couple of weeks later.

And out front the Hyacinth are just about to open up.

Footnote:  It's three days later and the Daffodils in the front garden are in full bloom, as are those Hyacinth.  But the Dwarf Iris, which like it chilly, have already faded in the hot temperatures of the last few days.


  1. It's awesome to see so many flowers already. I don't know what has started at home. Hopefully tomorrow we'll find out!

  2. The Scilla here all came out last week and then faded in the heat. I feel a bit sad that it was only out for a few days. The heat is not friendly to the spring blooms.

  3. We have been cooler than normal and the flowers have just loved the temperatures around here! I love your pretty purple flowers, and am glad you captured those iris before they faded. Gorgeous!

  4. Garden is getting a good start. :)

  5. After again allowing cookies I am able to comment! Nice to see what you have blooming. It's too bad hellebores mostly hang they blooms down. Yours looks like it would be so lovely.

  6. You have more flowers than we do down here, but the apple tree has some open flowers already even though its very cool and extremely windy so the bees aren't flying.

  7. For those of us who enjoy seeing colors this is always an exciting time of year after five long months of white, gray, and drab.

  8. Explosion is right. Our tulips were under snow about a week ago, and now they must be 8-10” high. It’s amazing really.

  9. I'm still looking out at the browns and greys of winter (with more snow in the forecast tonight), so seeing the lovely flowers, even virtually, is a real treat. Thanks for sharing!

  10. The ground cover in your garden is so colourful. It must bring smiles!

  11. It is wonderful to see, isn't it!

  12. Nice to see everything shooting/sprouting.

    All the best Jan
