Friday, April 7, 2023

The Birds are Returning!

 As well as our first flower blooming (see Wednesday's post), we've had the first few birds return, though a little late by my memory.  The forecast is looking good though, with temperatures soaring from +2 as I write this to +18 or 19 by a week today.  That will be warm compared to the last 7 months and may lead to a wave of spring migrants.

The American Robins are the bird that is symbolic of spring here.  They are one of the very first to arrive on their returning migration, easy to recognize, and thrive in the habitat of people's back yards.  We've had a pair around for a few days now.

Beyond the robins, we've seen both a Song Sparrow and numerous Turkey Vultures, but they haven't sat still for a photo!  I did catch this Mourning Dove this morning, probably a pair that stayed in the neighbourhood over winter, but only now appeared on our patio.  Note the bright green leaves of the Common Primrose in the background.  I'll be watching for the first flower to appear.

And I was pleased to see the white Dwarf Iris has emerged again, entangled now with the dry stems of a more recently planted clump of Lavender.  I may have to ask Mrs. F.G. to move it so it doesn't get overwhelmed.

And just to be clear, these Dwarf Iris are Iris reticulata, commonly known as Reticulated Iris, Netted Iris, Speciies Iris, or most frequently as sold in North America, simply Dwarf Iris.  It should not be confused with Iris lacustris, the Dwarf Lake Iris, a very rare but same sized plant, only found in Ontario along the west shore of the Bruce Peninsula and the southeast corner of Manitoulin Island.  I've seen it at Dorcas Bay, in the Bruce Peninsula National Park.


  1. The birds are returning here too. The robins, song sparrows, and red-winged blackbirds. No Turkey vultures yet though. We had a sprinkle of snow again today though.

  2. Love the Iris, our daughter down south has 6 Trillium plants, when I mentioned that you have had photos of them naturalising in the woods, she said " Mine were $20 each"!!!! so she nurtures them so carefully. Somewhere I also have a dwarf Iris, a gift from a friend, but it may have got lost when we moved.The birds returning, what a delight to have warmer days and more daylight hours.

  3. There have been flocks of Robins poking around in the parks over the last week.

  4. It’s not just the birds that will enjoy next weeks weather. Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying Easter weekend.

  5. We're further south than you are, so we've had a few robins all winter but within the last few weeks the dark robin that breed in the boreal forests have moved through and the major movement of waterfowl has passed through with only a few late stragglers here now. This morning I saw the first blooming hepaticas, only partially open buds today but they'll be fully open in another day or so.

  6. Lovely to see the American Robins ...
    Enjoy the Easter weekend.

    All the best Jan

  7. I imagine robins have returned here. I just haven't seen them yet.

  8. We have LOTS Robins all around here. One is building a nest under out front porch like every year.
    Fun to watch them. I like to watch Robins in the bird bath. They really enjoy splashing around in it!!

  9. They have returned here, as well. I spotted a flicker, and a chipmunk today, too!

  10. Lots of Robins here too and other birds that have come back. They sit too high up and I can't identify them. Yet.

  11. I saw a robin at our park a few weeks back but he was really a dull version, not picture worthy! Haha you got a beautiful picture.
    Lots of mourning doves around here. Can't wait to see my first 'real' robin.

  12. Hello Robin! We've not seen them here yet, but the juncos are back and that means spring to me.
    The dwarf iris, regardless of species (not that I'd know the difference) are very pretty. Enjoy!

  13. Yeah for Robins! The dwarf Iris is very pretty! :)

  14. Now with my hearing aids, I can hear huge numbers of different bird species. Robins, chickadees, sparrows, finches, and songbirds I cannot identify. The robins have been in these parts for a few weeks now, and I love seeing them everywhere! :-)

  15. It is amazing how far the birds fly to get to their traditional locations. The white iris is spectacular. I think I need to invest in some. Too late for this year but plant now for next spring.

  16. It's so nice not only to see the Spring birds but to hear them as well. It is the sound of 'happy' they make.
