Friday, July 9, 2021

Around the Neighbourhood

I feel like I'm going round in an endless circle of posts, from the garden to around the neighbourhood, to the harbour, and back to the garden.  But there is often new stuff to photograph, and it surely contributes to my daily mental health.  We've definitely had enough RAIN now!  It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow but then it's another week with mostly rain.  Bah humbug!

I can't remember if I've showed you this before, a nice ornament on a fence around the corner.

This is my favourite lichen covered boulder, which reminds me of the ones in the old stone fencerow at our last home.

And a new ornament at the same home, a small model of a bicycle held about 6 feet in the air.  I'd say it's less than a foot long and 6 inches high.

Two of many orange Day Lilies that I see in big patches.

A beautiful red Rose.

And a nice line of Petunias along the side of a driveway.  They always have a line of flowers here, but they've been different every year.

AND WE'VE HAD ENOUGH RAIN!!!  Mrs. F,G. is getting worried about the garden getting waterlogged. Plants are starting to fall over.  The grass was cut two days ago and already needs cutting again.  AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO GET OUT FOR A RIDE ALL WEEK!!!  And .... it's forecast to rain again every day next week.  I don't believe it's July; it feels like fall already.


  1. It certainly is cooler than it was here early in the week. I won't complain about the rain. We had a dry spring.

  2. The flowers do look great. I like the blue bicycle. Taking photos and writing script is our form of publishing each day. I think we both are very good at it.

  3. We have day lilies flowering, and that is Ok for them, but the bearded iris and sparaxis, way too early for either, and one rogue sunflower is determined to shine some gold on our grass, that will need cutting again this weekend. But the ground is SOGGY, we have had a lot of rain too, and as I have been cautioned, told, do NOT walk into the cold wind, I am indoors as well.The ornaments on your travels, some people are so innovative in their gardens.,

  4. The little bike in the tree made me chuckle. Seems like a strange decoration to be up a tree. :)

  5. We had one nice day recently. Otherwise, our weather was the same. Love that bike!

  6. How I wish we could have your rain and you could have our sunshine. I'm having to water every single night and no doubt our water bill will be horrendous! A lovely sunny 30 degrees again today. Nice row of red petunias along that driveway.

  7. Send some of your rain this direction .We are very dry.

  8. awwwww, not enough rain then too much's always a quandary!! pretty pictures, i LOVE the daylilies!!

  9. "But there is often new stuff to photograph, and it surely contributes to my daily mental health". I can sure identify with you on this one because I feel the same way. We are very fortunate not only to have this love for photography and nature but this love of writing to go along with it. How lucky we are that this whole blogging thing along at precisely the right time it did for you and I and others.

  10. I love your pretty flower pictures. Petunias have become a favorite flower. We need rain and you are having way too much of it yourself!

  11. We're into another heat wave, cooler than the last but still very warm around the 30C mark for at least the next week. I'd send it to you if I could and I'd definitely take some of the rain. There have been storms here too but they've by-passed the city entirely. I'm grateful because the storms have brought hail and I definitely don't want that.

    I hope you're able to get out for ride soon.

  12. I don't think you've ever written "Bah humbug!" on your blog before -- the rainy days are obviously getting to you. I feel the same about the heat down here, ugly, ugly days.
