Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sunny Days!

It's bright and sunny out and the forecast shows more of the same all week!  Finally a week that may feel like spring and allow me to get out for a ride every day.  I have things to do, so I'll just entertain you with this beautiful sunrise from a few days back, thanks to Mrs. F.G., the photographer.

We woke to flashing lights, fire trucks and police this morning.  turns out our neighbours had smelled smoke and called for help.  They all dispersed before 8 o'clock, so I presume all is ok.  Have a great day!


  1. Yay, Zippity Do Dah and all those other celebratory chants for a beautiful sunny spring day!
    Enjoy, I know we will!! I've even got clothes on the line!

  2. The weather here has made one of its usual about-turns and its very grey and chilly today. Glad to hear your getting some friendly weather. (Super picture by the way).

  3. To be out at last. enjoying the sunshine maybe? A totally gorgeous sky photo, how are you finding time to do some quilting Mrs F.G.? I am so thankful I stocked up on all quilting things, threads, batiks and the inner necessities before we went into total lockdown. Is is possible that at least one fabric shop will be able to do an online or mail order as one wool shop can do onl;ne orders only.This has been allowed for mental well being.Almost 6.30 a.m and very dark outside.

  4. I sat on the porch with my tea and knitting this afternoon. The ice bergs have all been cleared off the porch and the clothesline is accessible. Wishing I had some laundry to do!

  5. Beautiful Sunrise Mrs. FG.
    Glad the EMS wasn't at your location.
    Be Safe and Enjoy Spring while Social Distancing.

    It's about time.

  6. Thanks to Mrs. F.G for this fabulous photograph, what gorgeous colour.

    All the best Jan

  7. Wow what an amazing color the sky is!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That is a beautiful capture! Thank Mrs. FG for us...and I do hope all is well with your neighbors.

  10. We had a few snowflakes this morning but then it cleared. It was nice and cool for our afternoon walk. Today we went 1.3 miles around the shopping mall. - Margy

  11. Spring. Perfect and so glad you can now enjoy outdoors. Glad the smoke was not more serious.

  12. That is a beautiful sunrise! Stay safe and congratulations on your sunny days.

  13. After months of winter sunrises seem to take on extra special meaning.

  14. The colors are so wonderful. It almost does not look real.
