Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rainbow over the Bay

It's been a crazy busy day here, with a nurse, the homecare coordinator and a group of four guys to install the ceiling lift in our bedroom.  (To date we've been using the very awkward 'Hoyer' lift).  We're hoping tonight will go more smoothly. but by 4 p.m. the rush was over, so we went for another short drive.

The drizzle started fast and continued.

We drove up to Irish Mountain Lookout where one of Meaford's big red chairs is located.

The view is limited whem you don't get out of the car, and today was limited by the drizzle.

We finised off our drive by stopping at the 'DQ', and taking our cones down to the shore to eat.

You can see a hint of a second rainbow on this photo.
 Quite quickly the rainbow got brighter.

And then, in another 30 seconds it was over.


  1. The rainbows are amazing. I can't recall the last one I've seen.

  2. Wow! What wonderful rainbows, and so very glad to hear your lift is now installed. :-)

  3. Really good to see you get out. Great descriptions of your travels.

  4. How wonderful that you were rewarded by the beautiful rainbow. So glad to see that you are getting out to enjoy the beautiful land that surrounds you where you live.

  5. You got there just in time what a beautiful rainbow:)

  6. Good to see you're getting out and about and able to wield the camera as effectively as ever!

  7. Love your view over the bay and the rainbow amazing !

  8. You definitely have not lost your Photographers Eye. More great pictures.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  9. Love the big red chair in Meaford, we'll have to check it out in the spring. Love that you are getting out there, I knew there was nothing that would slow you down. :)
    Beautiful rainbow picture, you were there at just the right time! That was no fluke, I'm sure.

  10. I believe the double bows are meaningful to you.


  11. Glad you are getting out---rain or shine. Beautiful rainbow

  12. Nice rainbow. With all the rain we've had down here you'd think there would have been a lot of rainbows, but nary a one have we seen.

  13. You were the right person in the right place with the right camera and know how to capture that rainbow. Rainbows can be quite the elusive thing.

  14. Lovely photos! Glad to see you out and about even in the rain.

  15. When we are in a hurry, we like to get our dinner from A&W and take it to the parking lot looking over the marina below our condo in town. It's almost like our view from the condo deck, but we can see more boats from the lot. This way we can enjoy our meal and deposit the bags in the trash before heading upstairs. - Margy
